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The belief that the bible is the word of god ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 23

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Amen!! 😇


I used to believe this exclusively and all those other gods were simply false gods. Sometimes a Christian will go so far as to say his god has many names and the others have the same god but do not know him because they have his name wrong. Years later it is wake up time. Today when I hear that the bible is the word of god I can simply ask "which god." Then we have the fact hat many different books did not make it into our modern bible. Our modern bible came about by decree and what was wanted was a complete storybook with a beginning and an end. Some books did not make it into our bible and Catholics have books in theirs that we do not have. How could anyone honestly say that the bible is the word of god?

I have lost count of the number of times that I have been told that the Bible is proof of the existence of God.

@anglophone Then the comic is the proof of Spiderman. Koran is proof of Allah, etc.

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