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NIH, Wuhan were working on monkeypox.
Please note, this video is 2 years old. Why is Gain of Function research not banned? Because Faucii still walks free ie if he was prosecuted as he should be under crimes against humanity, all Gain of Function research would be banned.

puff 8 Aug 24

Enjoy being online again!

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More monkey business.


What are Fauci's alleged crimes?

Gain of Function research is illegal and so is covering up your own complicity. Why? Because of Nazi medical experimentation. Biological warfare was decided not a good thing back when Western societies had morals after a war against fascism.
Why does the US have biolabs worldwide? Why not do it at home? There is your answer.
Searching for actual laws, you will see it is all over the place. But Faucii was doing it on behalf of the Dept of Defense in China and denied funding it ie that information we are not privy to so he will never be convicted.
Regardless of all that, after covid you would think approving GoF for monkey pox is idiotic eg repeat the process over and expect a different result.
The only way to stop this is to start hanging people or they will continue. If they had a threat of death for doing what they do, you may be sure any biolabs would be ultra secure. Instead cunts like Faucii patent this research and make lots of money.

@puff Gain of function research is not illegal. If lying to Congress was illegal half of Congress would be in prison. Fauci was not involved in biological warfare.

So, what you have is a lot of questions and hysterics and false accusations, but no specific crime was committed. But if you have evidence proving otherwise then collect it together and present it to the U.S. FBI.

@Charles1971 Can a citizen do that? Not a citizen unfortunately, otherwise I would. Can a citizen invoke article 25 because you will really need a commander in chief in the months to come.
NIH funded research in Wuhan and there is proof, approved by Faucii. Faucii lied under oath to Congress that no funding went to Wuhan and suppressed the claim the covid-19 virus escaped from a lab, now generally accepted as fact. Faucii has also admitted the 6 foot social distancing recommended and enforced was plucked out of his arse with zero scientific methodology behind it.
Do you want another 2 years of 'pandemic' caused by humans fucking around with viruses, making them airborne and much more contagious? Because I sure as shit don't.

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