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First analysis by me re USA election

Analysis is very important to science method . It is how you start out that will affect your conclusion the most? This is an example of just one analysis I could give. Does it have any resonance with you?

American tradition that partly holds America in a tight grip

America started the following tradition long, long ago. UK was supposed to be “The old Traditionalists “, but this has had a much bigger effect. Even more than the desire to be a King anywhere in the world. I believe it was unique in the world, and hit has shaped America ever since and needs deep analysis to correct what may be a serious fault.

The tradition was that of the “Moveable salesperson” OR “Snake oil salesman”

He started with a small amount of money and a great deal of Hype. He had to attract a huge crowd or he would not eat or sleep in a bed that night. He was the quintessential Showman. He traveled widely, He did not have to tell the truth., as the innocents would have wagoned far away before they knew of the scam. They were not all bad . Some fell out of that way of life to run honest profitable businesses and yet other became Billionaires ‘by charging too much for their profit' {which yes has to be just positive]. 

America had a lot of other good things of hopefully both sexes , a few presidents, all science that does not aim for pots of money, tunes, films, dances, theater, (extravagant), sportsmen and musicians , some of my American relatives, to name but a few.

You have been reading about a tradition that was started by a road carpet bagger and finished [I hope]by a voiceless sniper who aimed at someone wanting to be king.

This was NOT meant to be a cruel analysis . Apologies if anyone is offended . ****

Mcfluwster 7 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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And when society is content, they reject promises of better times. Bernie Sanders would have made a fine president. Perhaps if the most popular candidates were put forward rather than establishment stooges the snake oil salesmen types would never get a look in? Just a thought.

puff Level 8 Aug 26, 2024
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