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With a conga line of hurricanes and tropical storms passing near Hawaii this week, I'm doing just fine. I finally have a few days off, so I'm changing out last year's emergency food (expires August 2024) and restocking my stash with new food expiring in July 2025. So, I know exactly what I'll be eating for a week next July, if I don't have any reason to get into my emergency stash before then!

One good thing about the impending storms, is that I feel like I can skip washing my windows this week, yay! I plan to use that energy instead toward throwing out old papers, and junk that have been stacking up in my living room for quite some time. My incentive is that it's easier to clean up all that stuff dry rather than in the event my windows get blown in and everything gets soaked. It's predicted that the storms will dissipate before reaching us, but I need to pretend that could be wrong, in order to keep cleaning, otherwise I'll stop. 😉

Of course, if my windows do get blown in, then maybe insurance will pay for the new ones I'm having installed next month, haha! Silly me to have ordered new windows to be installed 2 months before hurricane season is over, but maybe that will work in my favor if the storm hits before my new ones arrive, hehe.

The ocean outside my window has been a bit extra tumultuous lately. The only damage I could see at my place is a blown over palm in a pot, but otherwise the weather has been pretty pleasant, not too hot, and a nice brisk breeze. Fun to watch the surfers riding the swirling waves.

My friends on the Big Island, 500 miles south of me, had some minor damage, lots of rain, 20 inches, flooding and road closures, brought by Tropical Storm Hone, (meaning honey) but they are safe and still enjoying life. Next up is Hurricane Gilma and then Hector.

Julie808 8 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a wild kind of beauty in severe storms. The potential danger increases the adrenaline making the excitement pleasurable. Although the dangers and damage is a reality, I will wager that you would not want to live anywhere else. Who could reject such a beautiful paradise?

Stay safe and take care. I'll look forward to your updates. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Aug 29, 2024

Wow, that’s pretty scary re the tropical cyclones.

Luckily in this corner of the South Pacific, we haven’t had too many severe storms this winter.

Our cyclone season is November through to April.

Roll on spring!

You might be interested to know that: "Hone" (also spelt "Hōne" ) is the Māori transliteration of the name John. My cousin John is called Hone by the locals in his waka or canoe paddling club.

Keep safe.

Interesting! Here, Hone, is pronounced "Hoh-nay" but I imagine that the Māori pronunciation is closer to sounding like "John. Here in Hawaii, John is Keoni.

Also our canoe is "wa'a" pronounced "vah-ah" so it's similar to the Māori pronunciation. Somewhere in my bookcase I have a book that compares the languages of the Māori, Tahitians and Hawaiians, and there are so many similarities, it's fascinating to learn they are connected at the core, but the words evolved slightly differently in each culture.

Our hurricane season is June - November. It's like we're on opposite sides of the world, haha!

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