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In patriarchal theist run societies ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 29

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The state says it's a girl and the boy needs his dick cut off

I hear this often but it does not seem to have websites backing it up. In a recent political comment program one guest claimed 12 year old girls are secretly being groomed to have their breasts removed so they can be a boy and there is nothing the parents can do about it. Show me! Produce that website then let's vet it and find people in our happy government of elected officials who claim to support it.

This is all nonsense from the far right. They make these claims because they are fighting the left. Roseanne Barr claims to be a political activist. She recently claimed McDonald's is selling fetus burgers.

@DenoPenno well left winger elon musk said he had a friend in California who would lose his daughter if she didn't permanently transition at 6 years old and talked the police out of taking her and left the state. But he's a fake right winger leading the opposition for the communists

@Communistbitch Elon Musk may support green energy, but that is only because he saw an opportunity to make profits in a field with little competition. He is NOT a left winger. He endorsed Donald Trump on the far right. He overpaid for Twitter because he didn't like that they (Twitter) banned Trump from posting due to the fact that virtually everything Trump posts is misinformation and/or misleading.

It sure is easier to become a woman than a man today.

If I get framed to go to jail, before the judge pass sentence. I'm claiming I'm a woman,to save my own skin.

@snytiger6 Trump is a left wing Democrat from.the 90s. He supports social security, he is a communist. He is the fake leader of the opposition to fool the conservatives

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