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The mind once enlightened ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Making a baby requires two bodies, each with a mind.

Will both minds be, or remain, about equally enlightened?

Which way will the child’s mind go?


I dare not even consider myself enlightened. I am constantly astonished by my ignorance. There is a willingness to know but I can barely conceive continents let alone galaxies. It's like seeing a star and perceiving it as a distant candle. Therefore I am ashamed of the luminescence I could offer.


Sadly, this is only true for some (hopefully most) people...

Humans evolved as "herd animals" and developed animal instincts to gather in large groups for "safety", and our animal instincts are still active and people will usually seek to belong to large groups because their instinctual animal drives gives them a sense of "safety" and "security" when they belong to a large group. This instinctual drive to "belong" often outweighs a person's desire for logic and reason, and a person may give up logic and reason in order to belong to a large group such as a religious organization.

Thus, in some cases enlightened mind can go dark in order to fulfill an instinctual need to belong and feel safe. Even though those animal instincts that evolved while humans were still living in the bush, are often not relevant to a person's living situation in modern society.

Your message came in time for me to tell my older brother who still clings in the believers category not sure I am even going to approach him with it. If I do I will be using what you said. As ammo, the bit about some go just be a part of something bigger than themselves. That kind of gives him a face saving reason for turning his back to the facts and logic.

@PaddyO At the very least I hope it will enable you to better understand where he is coming from, even if you don't agree with him.

It was a struggle for me to be quiet at times when my religious relatives discuss religion. However, I concluded that they need to believe what they do in order to believe they are happy. I just would nto feel right trying to ruin their perceived happiness. I know they believe themselves to be happy, but if I managed to undermine their religious belief system(s), there is no guarantee that the end result would be more happiness for them. I'd say it would be more likely they'd just switch religions, that deal with reality based thinking. The "happy" delusions religion creates is psychologically addictive and the longer people have lived with such delusions, the harder it is for them to leave them behind, if that is all they are familiar with.

@snytiger6 I appreciate your thoughts. Some times I am still the verbal sledge hammer when only a delicate tap is needed. I will include your thoughts into the final equation, much appreciated. Have a wonderful day.

@snytiger6 Your comment is perspicacious.

@PaddyO Thank you. Although I don't always succeed, I do try to keep an open mind.

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