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Religion, government, and media enslave the mind and cage the soul.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 1

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The atheists are as suspecting to government programming as Christians are to religion. Exactly the same

One problem with that, how many are openly atheist in highest Goverment administration.?

China and north Korea are officially atheist countries.


North Korea would be more atheist and they banned the Bible.

China is 7% atheist, US 4% atheist. ...

Over the past four decades, Christianity has grown faster in China than anywhere else in the world.Feb 2, 2023

@Castlepaloma One reason religion is getting followers again is that people want and need answers and they want that right now. A normal person knows this is impossible. People with religion have it all in a book complete with beginning and an end.

@DenoPenno so aggravating that you act like you don't get all your answers from the all knowing government

@Communistbitch Why is it aggravating? I do not pretend to have answers and if you want an answer you have to work towards having one in order to get one.

@DenoPenno do you go through stop signs when there is no traffic?


My soul has a million parts to it and no one is the boss of me. Can not speak of the majority, yet a few others are the king of their own domain.


Religion, governments and media are tools which can be used for either good or ill. Most often however, they are used for ill purposes.

Religion, should if used for good, be no more than a life philosophy. Buddhism was originally a life philosophy, but after the originator died, they added in supernatural stories and mysticism from religions and myths that predated the founder of the Buddhist philosophy. Ambitions of the religious leaders who followed currupted the original intent of the founder, which is pretty much common to all religions. I tends to agree with the unattributed quote "Once it is organized it becomes a lie", when applied to religion.

In governments, there have been good and well intentioned rulers. However, as soon as the good and well intentioned rulers pass, the void is filled with the ambitious and selfish.

Media has dispersed information to the masses. When TV was first invented, it was envisioned as a tool for education, not entertainment. However, there is more demand and thus more profit in entertainment, and those who run media do not see the need to disperse accurate information in their entertainment programming.

We often hear the misquote "Money is the root of all evil". However the full quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil". Meaning that to love money and the pursuit of money to the extent that you are willing to do harm to attain it, results in acts of evil.

Don't mistake the tools as evil, when it is how the tools are being used that is in fact the true evil. Sadly, in many cases most people can't remember a time or event when some tools had positive uses.

Well said.

So now your atheist ass supports religion as a useful tool when your government utopia is exposed as moronic. You're no different than a Christian believer

I thought Satan was the root of all evil or God did it. Lol

True Capitalism will help us get out of this mess , what wealthy greedy interest Corporationism put us into..


If I assume that statement is true there is still the fact that you cannot avoid them in our world today. A hermit might avoid but we know he could not before he became a hermit.

Even a hermit has to abide by laws and regulations.


The hermits that I know, do not do that well.

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