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"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Character in Star Wars)

“Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen with your child. And you know, many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say, ‘What the hell happened? Who did this to me?’ They say, ‘Who did this to me?’” - Trump

"All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets." - Trump

"First they say, 'Sir, how do you do it? How do you wake up in the morning and put on your pants?'"
"And I say, ‘Well, I don’t think about it too much.’ I don’t want to think about it because if I think about it too much maybe I won’t want to do it, but I love it because we’re going to do something for this country that’s never been done before." - Trump

“So many mistakes were made” ahead of the Civil War."
“See, there was something I think could have been negotiated, to be honest with you. I think you could have negotiated that. All the people died. So many people died.”

“Abraham Lincoln, of course, if he negotiated it, you probably wouldn’t even know who Abraham Lincoln was."
“He would’ve been president, but he would’ve been president, and he would have been — he wouldn’t have been the Abraham Lincoln.” - Trump

After describing the Battle of Gettysburg, in which about 50,000 soldiers died, as “so beautiful in so many different ways,” Trump delivered a fake quote from Confederate general Robert E. Lee in a Captain Jack Sparrow voice:

"Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor — did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. “Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.” They were fighting uphill."
“Wow, that was a big mistake.” He lost his big general. “Never fight uphill, me boys,” but it was too late." - Trump

More Insane Ramblings From a Madman:

It takes a special kind of fool, a special kind of stupid, to follow Trump. These fools have the opportunity to realize how incompetent and insane Trump is and take responsibility for their own actions, - THEY are the greater fools.

nogod4me 8 Sep 4

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And there are still people who haven't made up their mind yet about who is most qualified to lead our country. Boggles the mind.

I realize that I'm likely only hearing the mishmash talk, and have so far never heard him say anything clear and positive -- so I honestly have no idea if he ever has said anything coherent during this campaign.

And my guess is that the Trump supporters only hear lies about Harris. That's the only conclusion I can come up with for how anyone can think he is more intelligent than her or would surround himself with more fair minded leaders than her. We have one clear choice and it's Harris for now, even many republicans will be voting for her this time, understanding Trump would be a disaster for our country.

Who doesn't want a VP with "corn dog batter" for blood, haha! I'm ready for a more upbeat intelligent administration, rather than the rerun of dangerous crazy.

I agree. And I am up for a fully Democratic Party Majority government. Maybe we’ll get more useful things done…like increasing the size of the Supreme Court (I’m convinced that the only reason Biden hasn’t tried is that it’d never get confirmed)…like reinstating Roe v Wade…like reversing Citizens United…like expanding Medicare - FOR ALL.


As a world citizen, I would rather Trump than Biden or a continuation of his admin any day of the week.
To vote Democrat again, who have been in power 12 of the last 16 (Biden) years, after

Cruizy jobs for the boys in Ukraine from 2014 - 2022
Afghanistan, gifting the 20 year foe the Taliban a country and ready military and crushing women's/ children's hope.
The management of social control methods in pandemic times
Rejecting peace for Ukraine so NATO may expand
Nord Stream
Gaza: genocide, death and destruction.
Unmanaged migration
Demonise opposition and divide the nation
Zero world diplomacy whilst encouraging conflict with China.
Record profits for defense industries and pharmaceutical companies
Allowing a demented man to protect his son and continue to sign new laws
Allow unelected officials to flip the bird at lawmakers (Blinken refuses to testify, FBI head lies)
Obama finances al Nusra, a declared (official) enemy of the USA. The definition of traitor.
World standing plumets with the $USD
BRICS rises along with inflation.
Debt increasing 1 trillion every 100 days
New presidential candidate anointed without public consultation (got any inspiring quotes from her?).
And plenty more outstanding achievements.

But if you don't vote for more of the same, you are a fool.
Watch what people do, not what they say. So a fool if you vote one way, what are you if you vote the other? Saving democracy?

puff Level 8 Sep 5, 2024

I see that you enjoy making up and distorting facts. I suppose everyone needs a hobby but this isn't a very good one.

@Charles1971 I see you make accusations without being specific. Do tell which one is false and I will prove you wrong.
So are you a fool or into saving democracy?

There is a reason why True Believers flock to Trump.
There is a reason why the cult mind flocks to Trump.
There is a reason why the unscrupulous flock to Trump.
There is a reason why the greedy flock to Trump.
There is a reason why racists flock to Trump.
There is a reason why sexual degenerates flock to Trump.
There is a reason why the uneducated flock to Trump.
There is a reason why Trump loves dictators.
There is a reason why dictators love Trump.
There is a reason why Trump lies continuously and profusely.

Believing a vindictive psychopath will keep his word other than for his own selfish gain is foolishly stupid.
Believing that a greedy pathological liar will keep his word other than for his own selfish gain is foolishly stupid.

Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it.

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

We have already experienced Trump and we have the knowledge that he is a convicted felon, a sexual predator and deviant, a psychotic pathological liar, and that he is deranged. We had the judgment to reject him once, and now that he is worse, we have the wisdom to reject him unreservedly for all time.

To disallow all the crimes, unjust behavior and immoral acts that Trump has committed makes you similar to him. Believing Trump's lies, makes you a believer and therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me Oh do replace Trump with Democrat and your rant makes perfect sense also. Democrats need to have a good long look in the mirror. It is also a cult that forgives their own sins.
Point the finger of accusation, and three fingers are pointing straight back at you.

Yes Trump is somewhat psychopathic, which is why the Democratic party loved him before he ran for the GOP's. Go look at some historic interview type news footage from that time of Trump; CNN, MNSBC, the View etc.
Psychopaths love to clamber to the top of the shit heap of whatever group they are into. In this, Trump has succeeded; Already King turd. What next? His vanity, that is why he runs. He is very patriotic, an American through and through. A poster boy for America ie rich, brash, in your face and a bully. 100% USA.
Extremely vain and having scaled the shit heap already, his vanity is looking towards his legacy. He wants to change America but the thing is, only a psychopath is able to do it as the Blinken/ Kirby/ Clinton/ Sullivan and Nuland types, all psycho's themselves, are firmly entrenched. Professional politicians are all bought off, illustrated very clearly by Israel, who play to Trumps vanity and selfishness thus manipulate him as well.
It is what it is but radical change is needed and it looks like a radical personality will be doing it.
Sander's would have beaten Trump. You may blame the DNC for Trump's first presidency but many democrats cried his presidency was illegitimate, "Hillary won the popular vote" they simper. Then have no probs flipping over and accuse the other side of doing the same. It really is pathetic.

The democrats should have never burnt Tulsi Gabbard, a woman of integrity and one who would have also beaten Trump. Kennedy would beat Trump but the DNC anointed Kamala. So when Trump wins again, if you don't hold the DNC at least partially responsible, then you are in a cult no better than rabid Trump supporters as rabid democratic supporters are just as bad.

@puff What a load of bullshit. There has never been someone as bad as the golden-spoon fed orange turd. Trump can only win in your delusions. I'm assuming you believe in everything Trump says and does, that doesn't make Trump better, it makes us realize you are just like him. It also makes you a believer and therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me Keep your demented president then. Oh, you do.
Honest to goodness, talking to both rabid Trump and "Blue" supporters is like talking to indoctrinated theists. And this is an agnostic site lol

@puff And talking to MAGA, Trump worshippers and cultists is like talking to a stump. You are a believer that refuses to acknowledge evidence and are therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me Not like democratic worshippers aye?

@puff How absurd, if Democrats did one billionth of the things that the cowardice Republicans and degenate Trump have done they would be crucified by their gullible Republican followers. Republicans are childish cowards always battling demons of their own making, and that is proven by history.

You are a gullible True Believer and therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me A Democratic president approved the destruction of Nord Stream, something only someone with dementia would do. Denial whilst celebrating is not plausible deniability.

If Kamala is so great and such a good and inspirational leader, why does she not replace Biden right now? Why hide his illness for so long? Why does she have trouble maintaining staff? Can you answer honestly anything at all without mentioning Trump? Or the next go to blame game Russia?

Never their fault, always deflect and blame others. That's Trump. That's Democrats. That's America. It is also psychopathic.

Trump has not been in power for 4 years almost. And prior to him, Biden was number 2 for eight years.
But all you ever hear is Trump Trump Trump.

Yes I am a true believer. I believe the USA has lost the plot totally under Biden. They lost the plot once the Patriot Act was introduced, bypassing the need for Congressional approval to wage war. Giving the power to wage war to one person, the president.
You know how dangerous Democrats really view Trump as? So dangerous they voted to renew this Patriot Act, gifting any president extraordinary powers, when Trump held the presidency.
And I will always be glad Hillary Clinton never held that office.

@puff Finally, you admit that you're a True Believer. I have dealt with the religious and cult mind for over 40 years. I know it's hard for you to think or accept something outside of your self-imposed prison. However, no decent American, or human for that matter, wants or needs the hate-filled, violent, racist, misogynistic, sexually deviant, whining, fascist dictatorship atmosphere that Trump has created and wants to force on the American people. It's just not worth destroying America so that Trump can dismiss the legitimate charges against him and so you can get a tax break. And if the next Republican shooter is a better shot, J.D. Vance is not someone even diehard Republicans want. Although, Trump may have him hanged like he tried with the last one.

You are a believer and therefore a waste of time. But here is something I think you might enjoy:

@nogod4me Then stay the path you are on then since it is such a good one. I still believe, actually it is not belief as there is a lot of evidence around.
I know the USA has gone to shite under Biden.

@nogod4me I didn't know that "I have dealt with the religious and cult mind for over 40 years". Good for you, we have some common ground.

How do you go about debriefing people out of a cult? We should swap notes.
Have you had much luck in your debriefing? The human mind is a complex thing and any tips that have bought you success would be appreciated so please, do share.
It always amazes me how pliable peoples minds are, especially the young. And how powerful long term, repetitive messaging is as in if you are told something enough times, it sinks in and the mind normalises that message. Do you find that as well?

@puff Always check your source. Ask yourself if you watch and listen to news channels who have lost millions in a lawsuit pushing election lies. If so, why? And why listen to other news outlets who repeat their nonsense .

Cults believe without evidence, it is their krytonite.

@nogod4me Cults also defend their doctrine, their group, against reason and logic. They dismiss evidence that attacks their doctrine and thus their group.
All children should be taught about indoctrination imo. As forewarned you are forearmed and are thus better able to resist. Knowledge really is power so lets empower our youth.
Indoctrination in schools the last decade has been quite anti-colonial with questioning history, celebrating diversity in culture of indigenous peoples/ minorities and ceasing the hero worship of suspect historical figures. This indoctrination of the new generation has obviously worked as they, as you pointed out, do not listen to news outlets that Israel "defends itself". For they are the ones protesting colonial genocide in Palestine. So not all indoctrination is bad.

@puff Its not worth my time to spend an hour working on a rebuttal only for you to dismiss it with yet another twisted or wholly false response.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he will be a dictator "but only on the first day" and has stated that he'll seek retribution against his political enemies. Trump has spent the last 10 years sowing discord, bigotry, divisiveness, and hate. He has stated that he will make laws that will hurt trans people and remove legal protections from LGBTQ+ people. Trump has spent the last 4 years lying about the election. Trump instigated an attack on our democracy.

And you repeatedly complain about Biden's mental wellness but make no mention of Trump's repeated nonsensical speeches, childish behavior, and deranged comments.

So what if schools teach "anti-colonial" history as long as its the truth? The U.S. has done some very awful things. Ignoring or white-washing history is foolish. A significant purpose of learning history is to learn from the mistakes of those of the past.

But I know nothing I saw will cut through the mire of delusion that has control of your mind. You will continue to worship the Orange Messiah.

@Charles1971 That's all good, we all have differing takes on things. I don't worship, just give my take on things and predict. Trump is very polarising for some and that is encouraged.
It seems you either worship the Orange Messiah, or despise the Orange Devil.
I'm more pragmatic in my mind.
Ukraine is lost
Israel is doomed
Trump will romp it home.
All these predictions should be known by the new year.


Trump supporters don't mind the treason, the insurrection, the rampant corruption, the incompetence, nor all the criminality, be it pedophilia, rape, bribery, racism, et. al.

What they care about is that they get to keep their semi-automatic assault weapons. And/or they get authority to kick-down on non-whites and the power to force Christianity on everyone else, or else.

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