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The Starliner will finally be undocking from the ISS shortly after 6 EDT today for its return flight home. If you haven’t been following this as closely as I, one of the reasons for the delay has been an issue with the thrusters. The two astronauts will be stranded on the ISS until at least February now, as NASA has deemed it too risky to bring them back home on Starliner (A Boeing craft, I know, it’s shocking!). The worst case scenario with the thrusters could not be ruled out. This scenario involves the thrusters malfunctioning during undocking causing an uncontrolled spin and subsequently causing Boeings Starliner to crash into the ISS. We can assume this would cause significant damage to the ISS, if not destroy it?!
So if the worst case scenario does happen, they could still be royally screwed aboard the ISS…..🤔

Aaron70 8 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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