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Trump, are you listening!?

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Isaac Asimov

nogod4me 8 Sep 6

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That must be why Asimov openly boasted of going round goosing women's backsides.


I totally agree but it is more than Trump that should abide by that statement.

puff Level 8 Sep 6, 2024

Shouldn't you mean: Everyone should abide by that statement.

You already told me are a True Believer, you don't have to prove it to me.

Trump is the one who has and is inciting his followers to violence, but you already know that. Why does your mind feign ignorance over blatant evidence?


@nogod4me I was going to comment "Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. FFS why do some have to relate everything to Trump?"
It's an all inclusive quote so why mention him at all here? I relate it to American foreign policy full stop, irrelevant who is in power.
All conflict ends in negotiation. Even if that negotiation is total defeat/ surrender like Japan in WW II.

Besides that, good post.

@nogod4me I am also unable to view the video with a strange message
Video Unavailable
This video contains content from NBC_News, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

I dare say our arsehole governments doing, getting a bit radical here with controlling information, much like Canada. We have no Bill of Rights in Australia to protect free speech.

@puff See if this works:

@nogod4me That worked, thanks. Age restricted though.
An unruly mob who infiltrated a government building and I totally agree that if they broke existing laws and/ or lawful directives from law enforcement they should be prosecuted.
However, I also believe Lady Justice must have an even hand.
Prior to this there were massive protests after George Floyd passed where there were unruly mobs who infiltrated government buildings. Many were more violent than this. No-one has been charged.

Note the title of the video says "riot" not "insurrection" and that is what it was. The FBI states that as well.
Trump flagged what he was going to do well in advance eg prior to the election he stated if he lost, he would challenge results. His cunning plan? To question tally results lawfully in the individual state courts. When Jan 6th came round, a largely ceremonial day where the electoral college give their votes to the VP to confirm them, the idea was that enough court cases would still be ongoing that the VP would be unable to receive them until court action completed. It may have worked, but Pence came to his senses at the last minute. He is the hero of that day.

Trump is somewhat psychopathic, lacks true empathy. Very charismatic, very good in the moment, vain, self centered, nothing is ever their fault and a good manipulator of people ie all the signs are there. Because of his lack of empathy, he did not foresee what he was asking Pence to do would create a very emotional response in many many Americans ie messing with the peaceful handover of power. But the fact is power was peacefully transferred that day although very rudely interrupted. Not a good look, I condemn and all that.

Yes Trump is somewhat psychopathic, but so is Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Biden (Mr "Empathy", what a load of shite).........................the list is quite long in Washington DC. Kamala also lacks genuine people skills so I suspect her as well. We have the same problem in Australia, the classic psycho Scott Morrison and the UK's Boris Johnson is a prime example, both former Prime Ministers. Leaders. The US state department, which direct US foreign policy, is full of psychopaths eg Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland. The woman head of the EU is one as well. Do I need mention Netanyahu?

From what I see of Putin, he is very thoughtful and patient and does not lash out without thinking. He is pragmatic and will adapt rather than "stay the course". he may be many things eg a thug and authoritarian, but he reads the Russian people very well. I see no psychopathic traits in him. Same Xi in China. Which is, why I believe, they run rings around current Western leadership. They can read the mood of the people, the current "vibe" very well. Something one with low empathy is unable to do. The West does not help itself by staying the course in their agendas and not adapting to changed circumstance that was unexpected eg the rise of BRICS and failure of sanctions against Russia etc.

If I got my 3 wishes, one would be an empathy detector then we could weed these people out of high office. The next Australian election, we will have a choice between 2 psycho's and so will the US. So basically, that trait cancels each other out.

Re election interference and "theft", I put it to all Democrats that having 51 ex intelligence officials knowingly lying in a letter to advantage a candidate in a live presidential debate, a physical piece of paper he proudly waved about whilst deriding his opponent as a liar and Russian stooge, was far worse for US democracy than the events of Jan 6th.

I am sure Trump is no Russian stooge/ asset, because he is totally selfish and psychopathic which makes him unpredictable. He will always act in self interest. This means you can't rely that he will be "loyal to the cause" which means you cannot control him effectively ie not good "puppet" material. He could well do more damage than good so him being a Russian asset is bollocks. As I have said, he personifies America, 100% American boy.

I recall Hillary Clinton stating when Secretary of State; "What's the point of having the most powerful military in the world if you don't use it?" That is one psycho bitch and I will always be glad she never gained the highest office. Such a shame the DNC/ Clinton campaign shafted Bernie Sanders. Then Trump would have never been President and Sander's is no psycho.

@puff You sound like a child trying to defend itself against its evident guilt.

Mother: Donny stop grabbing those girls by the pussy.

Donny: But, Joe does it. Whaaa! Change my diaper!

Stop grasping at straws, it was a riotous insurrection. Trump incited a coup and tried to defraud our government with a violent mob.

Kamala is not a violent threat to our democracy.

No decent American, or human for that matter, wants or needs the hate-filled, violent, racist, misogynistic, sexually deviant, whining, fascist dictatorship atmosphere that Trump has created and wants to force on the American people. It's just not worth destroying America so that Trump can dismiss the legitimate charges against him and so you can get a tax break. And if the next Republican shooter is a better shot, J.D. Vance is not someone even diehard Republicans want. Although, Trump may have him hanged like he tried with the last one.

You are a believer and therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me Fuck me you did not comprehend any thing I said did you? And you call me a believer and crap on about tax? Not American thank fuck.

Not into all caps but it's tempting. All your politicians are "hate-filled, violent, racist, misogynistic, sexually deviant, whining, fascist dictatorship". Neither party is fascist, American society is. You are warmongers run by unelected and entrenched officials. Look at Israel, the tail wagging the American dog. Your country enable genocide by supplying a very powerful state military to attack hospitals and refugee camps. Then you cover this genocide against all world opinion (excluding Nauru and Micronesia) by vetoing ceasefires multiple times then crap on how you are working towards a ceasefire. That is sociopathic. Illustrated by your desire someone shoots the political opposition to ensure your group stays in power.
I'm I waste of time? Debate seems a waste of time with some here as they are totally indoctrinated just like theists.
Shall we raise the debate? Lets talk policy, and I don't care about domestic policy. Talk foreign policy. What's the Democratic position on BRICS, China etc Let me guess, more sanctions and money for wars.

@puff You are a True Believer, of course I don't read your nonsense. The moment you lie, the second you exaggerate, the instant you overstate something and spew your beliefs I stop reading.

If I wanted to listen to that shit I would watch Fox (wrongly-called) News or some other fascist right-wing propaganda shit.

You seem ignorant, most Americans are trying to correct the very things you condemn, so stop your whining. That is the very reason we are not voting for Trump.

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Just because you hate something doesn't make it legitimate.

You don't like America, so what, who cares what you think. Fuck Off, don't come to America. We don't need another lying fascist. We already have a whining orange-tinted baby that we are getting rid of. Since you're not American maybe you can take him, if he survives prison. Are you from Russia?

You've already proven your beliefs are warped and hate-filled. There is no reason to keep talking to you. You are a believer and therefore a waste of time.

@nogod4me I'm Australian seppo and perhaps I will fuck off when your forces fuck off out of my country and stop interfering in our politics. Not happy our AUKUS partners enable genocide and drag us into every f'n war.. Need I mention Julian Assange?
I subscribe to international law. One of those laws is ALL have the right to resist an uninvited foreign military occupation. So US forces here are lucky we invited you, like the Syrians invited Russian forces, otherwise I too would be resisting by all means at my disposal.
So all your illegal bases around the world, I wish the resistance well. The Arrogance of some, not all, Americans at times is breath taking. Why the fuck would I want to move to that country? Got free medical here and a democracy where 100% vote and get our names ticked off a list and use paper ballots. Half of your historic presidential elections have been lucky to get a 40% turnout.

@puff Trump will not make the world better.

@nogod4me Neither will America as it currently is. Radical change is needed. I predict a radical will be the only one that makes an attempt. Sure as shit won't be the Democratic party controlled by a select few at the DNC and love power.
Look the whole world wants a strong and decent USA that leads by example. That USA died with the Patriot Act. The USA have no foreign enemies just economic competitors. The enemy is within.

@puff And we don't need another Hitler.

At least the Democrats are sane, the brown-nosing insane Republicans and MAGA cult are worthless shit.

@nogod4me What you mean is we don't need another fascist wannabe world government that attempt to impose their will on all.
Do you know Putin wanted Russia to join NATO? Europeans all for it but the US was against. You see, Russia joining NATO would constitute a very powerful bloc that would challenge the US's status as King Dick. Plus to justify NATO, there needs to be a threat. Good for weapon sales you see.
NATO should have dissolved in unison with the Warsaw pact. The cold war was won by Capitalism, Communism lost.
Trump is unpredictable and is not beholden to donors. That scares the shit out of the status quo, the military industrial congressional complex as Eisenhower put it in his famous address. They much prefer someone who can be controlled. They would love a Harris presidency.

@puff Be hopeful, stop whining, change is coming. Trump will soon be gone.

He won't be able to comply with Putin or any other dictators wishes.

@nogod4me I'm thinking the American experiment will soon be over.
Your forefathers were wise men. Do you know why they specified in the Constitution that there was to be no standing army? No permanent military but instead have individual states maintain militias? Because they did not want to emulate Europe which is in constant conflict. The whole reason many migrated to the US in the first place.

Your Constitution is worthless now eg all this shit about RT and foreigner's attempting to influence public opinion. Well re-read your Constitution and Bill of Rights. Free speech is protected supposedly but the law makers who all swear an oath to abide by and defend the Constitution are the ones crapping all over it.

@puff Be hopeful, stop whining, change is coming. Trump will soon be gone.

He won't be able to comply with Putin or any other dictators wishes.

@nogod4me You want Harris to be president? Then tell her to show her leadership qualities for all America and invoke the 25th amendment and remove Biden. I don't find this funny as my Father died of dementia. But is a very bad joke considering the world is in flux.

@puff Be hopeful, stop whining, change is coming. Trump will soon be gone.

He won't be able to comply with Putin or any other dictators wishes.


Of course Trump isn't listening. He doesn't know how.

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