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The Link between Parasites And Cancer
Are parasites the real cause of cancer?
What if everything we’ve been told about cancer is a lie?

1patriot 8 Sep 7

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Cancer is mutated cells. In Tasmania there is a big problem with Tasmanian Devils, get it in their nose and other places. The cause? The use of 1080, a eucalyptus based poison which needs a far stronger dose for native animals than introduced animals eg we use it to poison cats, rabbits, foxes etc. Feral animals we term them, all introduced species.
Could some parasites cause cancer? Possible. But I tend to think it's due to our modern lives ie crap diets full of sugar and salt and they fact we live far longer now. Also, medical science can attribute cause of death in most cases. In times past, people just died from unknown causes.

puff Level 8 Sep 7, 2024

you have to ask the right questions. i cured my own cancer, they found that with powerful electronic microscopy they were these little dots around cells the (so called dots) were microscopic parasites. Ivermectin can kill these parasites with in the cell and not damage the cell were chemo or radiation kill the whole cell. just ask google on your phone and this is the answer you get! " can chemotherapy kill parasites"

@1patriot Well a right question would also be "Why did Tasmanian devils only start being afflicted with cancers in the years after 1080 was introduced as a poison". If parasites cause it, why was it not present in devil populations before?

@puff is DFTD The perfect parasite? PubMed a unique and fascinating cancer.

ivermectin and fenbendazole cure 28 difference cancers which are parasitic drugs. wonder if they tried it on the devils?

@1patriot Ivermectin is a wonder drug, recognised as such by the WHO

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