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A scary word for ‘some’ so-called men – Vasectomies.
When my 2nd partner and I broke up I heard a report on NPR about how few men go through this procedure even though it’s fairly straightforward (in some American indigenous tribes the men would do this for themselves using Rose thorns). I then realized I was one of those cowards and signed up for the procedure. My doctor was aptly named Dr. Wonderly.

This is a short report so I’ll print it here: Realizing Quality Families. It’l be interesting to see the number of men versus women who check this out.

September 7, 2024
World Vasectomy Day is coming up in November. Retired obstetrician-gynecologist Richard Grossman explains how vasectomies should be used as a more common tool when couple’s plan their families.
by Richard Grossman MD

”I was walking down the street in Mountain View, California when I noticed a man coming toward me wearing a white T-shirt with small black lettering: “SEEDLESS”. I wonder if he was advertising his vasectomy?”

Vasectomy motivators in Northern Sumatra use humor in their presentations to men about vasectomy. Perhaps they should wear shirts with “KESIP” (Indonesian for “seedless&rdquo😉 on them! From what I can tell, these motivators need all the help they can get, since very few men get vasectomies in Indonesia. However, Indonesian husbands tend to be quite supportive of their wives’ contraceptive choices, even if very few men actually use a male method of birth control.

Indonesia is a mixture of more than a thousand ethnic groups speaking over 700 languages, living on over 6000 large and small islands. Fortunately, they are united by a single official language, although most Indonesians are multilingual. The motto of their National Family Planning Program is: “Realizing Quality Families”.

The country has supported family planning for decades. When we visited Bali (another Indonesian island) in 1996, we learned about banjars—the community organizations for a small village or neighborhood. The banjar serves perhaps 1,000 people, and helps its members through thick and thin. Banjar members organize religious ceremonies, dances, weddings and funerals. I was surprised to learn that each banjar also keeps track of every family’s fertility plan; the husband registers if his wife is trying to conceive, is pregnant or if they are using contraception. Although this would be considered an invasion of privacy in the USA, Balinese society does not have a problem with this openness.

The fertility rate in Bali is a bit above replacement, but is similar to the average for Indonesia. Sumatrans, on the other hand, tend to have larger families, averaging 2.5 children per woman. This is where vasectomy could really be helpful!

”Only a tiny number of men in Indonesia have had vasectomies—just 3 per 1000 men. The vasectomy peak in that country was 30 years ago, with double that number. Unfortunately, this is true globally; the number of vasectomies has declined rather than increased. I am proud that the USA is one of two countries bucking that trend; the other is South Korea.”

I know two heroes who are working to change this trend—in addition to the vasectomy motivators in Sumatra. One is Dr. Charles Ochieng, whom I met at an international family planning meeting. He performs vasectomies, using the latest techniques, in his native Kenya. Another hero is Dr. Doug Stein, one of the co-founders of World Vasectomy Day (WVD). Trained as a urologist, Stein has limited his practice to male sterilization procedures. Each year he travels to a different country to train doctors there, and together they do a bunch of procedures—on WVD. This year it will be Zambia, November 24th. WVD is not just a day—in fact, they have 9 events scheduled in Zambia, all relating to vasectomy!

”When I was practicing and a patient expressed an interest in being sterilized, I would suggest that vasectomy for her partner was safer and less expensive. I just read another, unfortunate statistic: 1 in 12 women will become pregnant within a decade after tubal ligation. To make things worse, many of these pregnancies will be in a Fallopian tube. A tubal pregnancy can cause serious—even fatal—bleeding.”

”I am happy that WVD, Dr. Ochieng and the vasectomy motivators in Sumatra are all promoting vasectomy. They are helping put the responsibility for family planning where more of it belongs—with men.”

It’s time to support vasectomy
A 2023 article “Down But Not Out: “Vasectomy Is Faring Poorly Almost Everywhere—We Can Do Better To Make It A True Method Option” ( was an eye-opener for me.

My own vasectomy was a non-event. At the end of the day I had it done by a family practice doctor, and carried on with normal activities–including performing a cesarean the next morning. However, it was a big event for my relationship with my wife–no more “did you remember to take your pill tonight?”

What can be done to make vasectomy more popular? The article has two suggestions: “Policymakers and donors should allot more time, attention, and priority to vasectomy….” Of course, increased funding is also necessary!

“Program managers should coordinate demand- side and supply-side interventions, promote constructive male engagement, identify and support vasectomy champions….”
This essay concludes with my thanks to people who are spreading the word–and the surgery–to make vasectomy available to more men.
© Richard Grossman MD, 2024

Richard Grossman is a retired obstetrician-gynecologist. He writes a monthly essay on human population at:

Maybe, on the 5th the country will get a vasectomy from a certain sexual predator and convicted criminal we all know and hate.

pedigojr 6 Sep 7

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My second pregnancy ended in miscarriage. It was the late 80's and those of us without generational wealth were having a hard time paying the rent and our student loans and saving for a house, so we decided after the miscarriage that we were only going to have one child rather than the three we had hoped to have. Without any prompting from me, my husband had a vasectomy. A vasectomy is far less invasive than a tubal ligation and he figured I had already been through enough having had a c-section followed by a D & C (the same procedure as a surgical abortion also performed on women who have miscarried in order to avoid infection and death). Any time one of my female friends or relatives heard that he had had the vasectomy they thanked him and told him they were proud of him. I did not realize what a rarity it was for a man to consent to it until I saw their reactions.


My brother in law got a vasectomy.

He walked with a slightly funny gait for a few days afterwards. My sister told the family that the builders working on their house at the time figured out what had happened and gave him a hard time. 😂

Good on him for doing it though.


Just be aware that there are potential risks with vasectomies! The procedure is not always successful for a couple of reasons. A friend of my ex-husband had one and his wife got pregnant--there was no doubt it was his child. My ex also had one and when he had the first sperm check, he was still producing lots of sperm. He had to have a second vasectomy--the second time, he went to specialist and not our family doctor. Sometimes, there are more than two vas deferens and in some cases, they grow back together.

To be safe, DO NO have unprotected sex until the sperm count is check and is zero.


Lucky here, only dating women age 60 on up.
The romance and ultimate pleasure begins again.


My son told me he is going to have it done. They just had their second baby and are not wanting any more.

I hope that he is going to bank some of his sperm just in case something requires it.


Every sperms is sacred in Religion. One shot can produce a small city.

@Castlepaloma Reminds me of that Monty Python segment…


Thou shal not spill thy seed upon the ground.

It came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest he should give seed to his brother. And the lord put him to death.

Must be alot of blueballs in the religious

@Zealandia observation from one whose grandfather was obviously a protestant sex maniac - he fathered 15 legitimate children:

I'm amazed that Mary Whitehouse or her equal in child protection didn't drag the producers et al to court for corrupting the huge choir of youngsters so ably performing several verses of this classic magnificent song.


Can we focus on giving vasectomies to teens with malignant narcissism? (Or the religious)

Might be some pushback on that. It would be good to try and control the hyper testosterone driven males until they reach maturity (whenever that is). One Sheriff in a small town was asked how he would reduce crime in his area. He said to lock up all males until they were 35.
I had a younger brother who was always getting into petty crimes. When he was in his 60's (he went on to become a lawyer) I asked him why he did all the things he did. He told me he asks himself that all the time. He just doesn't know, he just did. Who knows maybe excess testosterone turns males into zombies.

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