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Judge delays Trump’s sentencing until after the election

So, Trump pays off a porn star so that it will not influence the election, and that is a crime.

Judge Juan Merchan delays sentencing Trump so that it will not influence the election, but that is not a crime?

Now you see why people know there is a double standard, one for the rich and another for everyone else.

Of course Trump should be sentenced before the election. People have a right to know who they are voting for. If it was wrong for Trump to pay off a porn star so that it would not influence the election then it is just as wrong for Judge Juan Merchan to do the exact same thing simply because Trump asked him to do so, and, as far as we know, didn't even get paid for doing it.


nogod4me 8 Sep 7

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many of us want to know that the chump will be wearing dingy greasy underwear under that crispy new orange numbered jumper, but it seems a possibility to me, this judge who has been very deliberate, careful, fair etc. recognizes the courts will fair better, hopefully, if no improper biases can be evidenced against them. he's doing his best to do his job. he's trying to manage a mess, not of his own creation, owed to the personalities, times, and unique circumstances of what landed on his docket.

You most probably mean: "the chump will be wearing a dingy greasy DIAPER under that crispy new orange numbered jumper."

@nogod4me in time, or perhaps just metaphorically. normally, i don't wanna laugh about folks having to wear diapers, but with the chump it's kinda poetic. gotta chuckle.

@hankster Trump shitting in diapers has most likely been caused by drug abuse. So, he brought it on himself:

Noel Casler

The former "Celebrity Apprentice" talent handler on what he saw behind the scenes.

"GO: Nothing we’ve learned about him these last three years suggests that your opinion is wrong."

"Four of the biggest bombshells you often talk about on Twitter are Trump’s incontinence and use of adult diapers; his drug addiction; his STD; and his creepy relationship with his daughter, Ivanka—your former boss."

"Let’s take them one at a time. First, incontinence. To play devil’s advocate, why does it matter that he wears adult diapers?"

"NC: It matters because his incontinence stems from his decades of stimulant abuse and fast food diet. He pretends he’s the model of physical health, when instead his bodily functions are being dictated by his drug addiction—and he tries to cover it up. So it’s evidence of his incompetence, and one of the main reasons for the NDAs. The crew nicknamed CA “The Shitshow,” because he would soil himself during tapings, often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept. Because he couldn’t read a three-syllable word."

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