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Trump the Developmentally Damaged Human, Part 2

How that I have laid out how developmentally damaged Donald Trump is, let he show how those defects are shown consistently in his behavior. Those behaviors define who and what he really is – a terribly flawed human who will always be a threat to others and to constitutional democracy.

Frozen at the lowest level of personality development, Trump will ALWAYS seek to be the center of attention. And he will resort to almost any means to gain that attention. He will ignore and deny facts. He will lie consistently and repeatedly, both to try shrug off revelations as to how immoral, illegal, and predatory his behavior is. He will make outrageous statements with no backing. He will attempt to defame or falsely accuse others who stand in his way, or who have different opinions from him. He will always need to be seen as the best, the most powerful, the most intelligent, he winner, while he is NONE of these.

Now, let’s tie that to his stunted moral development. Again, being at the lowest level of moral development, he will always see that the only criteria for morality are the things which show him to be the best, the smartest, the greatest winner, who never loses at anything. His behavior, words, and deeds are always “perfect.” Tied with his personality development, this means that we will consistently lie, cheat, exploit, use. Abuse, and exploit others. He uses people and throws them to the wolves, leading to the statement that “he kills anything he touches.” Still, he is shrewd enough to avoid personally showing physical violence to others, knowing that it would land him in prison. Instead, he instigates others to commit violence in his name and on his behalf.

The truly sad thing about these facts is that that is who Donald Trump is. He is incapable of behaving differently, He does not choose to act in such a manner. He can’t keep from acting as he does. He does not intend to be evil, but the effects f his compulsive behavior are truly evil

wordywalt 9 Sep 7

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I really wish he'd just shuffle off to the golf course and stay there. Preferably UNDER the sod, but I don't care if he plays golf for a while before he ends up there. I just want him to STFU.

Yes, indeedy, Hippie !! (That last part !)

Ivana may jump out of her grave if he got buried near her.


That is a ridiculous statement, Trump couldn't suck the dried dingleberries off a dogs ass if his life depended on it, and wouldn't be worthy of doing so. Stop trying to normalize Trump's behavior by demeaning and disparaging others. Especially others who are morally superior and have done a far better job at helping the American people.

@nogod4me. Oh, soooo well said !!! 👏

@nogod4me & @Thinkingfree nor could Biden or Harris "suck the dried dingleberries off a dogs ass". This is evidenced in the two posts given. None are fit human beings. Your support & defence simply identifies how indoctrinated, out of touch with world opinion & #stupid you are.

FFS when are you you going to realise that the majority of the world's population think that you are a bunch of narcissists no more valuable than fly blown sheep's arses.

@FrayedBear First of all, no one said that they disagree with your links. However, this post is not addressing those concerns.

This post is about Trump and his Incapacitation to do even menial tasks and his dangerous character. There is no comparison of Trump's vindictive, hateful, and miserable failures and the Biden/Harris successes. To say they are no better than Trump is a lie. Trump would bring about the next World War if it saved his ass or benefited him, and you know it. You cannot compare them.

@nogod4me Harris & Biden's continued support of the Israeli Jew's genocide & warmongering is far more likely to result in WWIII. That however does not imply that I consider Trump a fit person to rectify the innumerable US faults.
And I will remind you that Trump has been long out of office whilst the Biden-Harris administration has enabled the genocide of 40,000+ Palestinians since last October & continues to protect the Jewish psychopaths from being brought to account.

@FrayedBear Childish Trump is far likely to start wars.

So, no Palestinians died during the Trump administration and Trump ended the conflict? WRONG, I'm sure he was busy grabbing someone's pussy.

This conflict has been going on since 1948 with thousands dead. Biden and Harris will not start WWlll in the few months Biden is still in office, and you don't know what Harris might be able to accomplish. So, stop exaggerating, it makes you sound like a MAGA idiot.

If you have the absolute solutions, then offer them to the people who can implement them and stop commiserating without action. Try if you can to manipulate and control the Israeli government to do your bidding. You could try sending them YouTube videos.

There are many Israelis that have been trying to stop their government from committing genocide for years, and even they haven't been successful.

Again I say, this post is not about that conflict. You are trying to change the narrative, again.

Trump has already proven, and has already stated, he has and will use violence. He is a greedy, power mad asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself. He will not solve anything, only his cult followers believe that shit-stained lie.

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