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Donald Trump the Developmentally Damaged Human, Part III

Now that I have described the severely stunted state of Donald Trump’s psychological personality and moral development, let me also describe his also damaged cognitive development. I will then tie all three together to show why no sane person should ever entrust a position of authority to this man so damaged that he is despicable.

I will use the work of Jean Piaget to apply to Trump’s cognitive development. Piaget was a Swiss psychologist whose work was so brilliant that one since has come close to matching or exceeding it. Piaget delineates a stage of cognitive development which is typical of an upper elementary school child.

A person at that stage can have a large vocabulary and do most arithmetic operations. But he or she has difficulty understanding complex and/or abstract relationships. Such a person has severe problems in building cognitive maps and structures in the mind. That means difficulty in analyzing and synthesizing complex ideas and information and in solving complex problems. He or she will find reading complex information and digesting it and will experience real frustration in attempting to do so. He or she will prefer having the information presented to him orally in oversimplified terms. He or she will also have difficulty in giving linking ideas together in giving oral presentations lasting more than a sort number of minutes, as that requires real coherency in linking information together.

Let’s apply that to Trump. Donald Trump has never shown any ability to build and use complex cognitive structure to interpret, analyze and synthesize information. I have real doubt as so whether ha ever wrote any term or research papers for himself while in college, Similarly I doubt that he could have passed a college speech class. That brings into question Trump’s entire academic record. Why do you think that he has threatened to sue any K012 school or college that releases any academic records or test information in relation to hum? Also, those points explain that while President, Trump refused to read written information given to him in daily intelligence briefings, but instead required only oral presentations.

Summarizing, Trump must always be the center of the attention the smartest, the best, the winner. He thinks only of himself, his ego, and his pocketbook To achieve those ends be lies constantly, uses, exploits and abuses others. He will do anything necessary to win, to gain wealth, to gain and keep power and status. He has no empathy, concern for others unless they will be of use to him in attaining or keeping that which he wants. He violates normal moral standards as easily as he breathes. He has very poor cognitive ability to understand or solve complex problems and is prone to compulsive and irrational behavior.

This being the situation, WHY would ANY sane, moral, and patriotic person EVER support Trump for any position of authority?????????”

wordywalt 9 Sep 8

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Trump stinks, however compared to Kamala he is a breath of fresh air.

If you believe that, you are either corrupt or stupid -- ore both.

@wordywalt I am positive I have a higher IQ and more education than you. Additionally since I am rather well off financially I have no need to be corrupt. Conversely, unlike you I have kept my sanity and gained even more wisdom.

@Alienbeing Well...if you REALLY ''have a higher IQ and more education".....perhaps you can demonstrate those facts by using methods other than insult to make a point.

@pamagain Pointing out another's fallicies is not an insult it is a fact, particularly in wordywalt's case.

Perhaps you think when wordywalt typed "If you believe that, you are either corrupt or stupid -- ore both." that it was not an attempt to insult?

@Alienbeing I can see why you admire the PUSTULE.

@pamagain Nothing in this thread indicates I admire anyone. Obviously you have limited comprehension issues.

Try remedial reading courses.


Why? Because he's the perfect cult leader and far too many people are unconsciously longing for a cult to give them direction and purpose.


I think what you are talking about basically is he is a tad psyco and I agree. All the traits you describe are due to one underlying cause, which is a lack of empathy.
He is intelligent enough but what he lacks is emotional intelligence. Think of these types as pure logic, like a computer. He assumes logical response in people but people are not like that, they act/ respond emotionally more often than not. No empathy means you concentrate only on self, on how it affects you, in your decision making. Not good leadership material for sure. But do not make the mistake of thinking Trump is the only one who suffers from this. Politics is rife with them eg do the same analysis on Pelosi and Hillary Clinton and I'm betting you will reach the same conclusion. Even Biden. I worry about Kamala. So do some more analysis on these people and you will reach the same conclusion, that is if you do an honest analysis and don't suffer from TDS.
A lack of empathy does not make you evil necessarily. It just means you are totally unaware how your actions effect others emotionally whilst you seek your own happiness, ie Trump's past liaisons with other women, how that would affect his wife and family would not even have crossed his mind. They just don't think like that. But if explained to him logically not emotionally, he will get it. The way to stop this behaviour is to explain to him that people will think less of him ie use his vanity against him. Then he may (not a given, psycho's are unpredictable and have no emotional ties to memory) change his behaviour, not for his family but for his own reputation. They manipulate people to serve their own interests but once you understand their flaw, a lack of empathy, you can play them as well. That son of law of his, Jarod Kushner is a worry, another psycho, and hopefully does not have Trumps ear as much next time.

The thing with a potus, they are not so much a leader as a manager. In this Trump does have some skill. So as long as he surrounds himself with people who do have emotional intelligence and explain to him logically how people will react to whatever brain fart he comes up with, he will listen as long as it advantages him personally. That is what is needed and I think a second term he will do that. His first term, a big mistake surrounding himself with people like Pence and Pompeo, others who lack emotional intelligence. But this time he is gathering people like Gabbard and Kennedy to advise which are far better choices, His first term he had zero experience in politics. He has 8 years under his belt now. It will be a different Trump presidency.

The US Constitution is a well written document and takes into account these type of personalities who may gain the highest office in the land. There are many checks and balances to limit their power. Until the Patriot Act was introduced, giving the potus, a single person, far too much power. The Democratic party voted to continue this Act when Trump was in power so figure that one out ie Someone soooo dangerous they voted so he could keep that power. The worse parts of that Act? Creating a security state and giving the potus the power to wage war without Congressional approval. Yemen the current case in point ie The US is at war with Yemen with no Congressional approval. This Patriot Act is the primary reason the USA is where it is imo. Get rid of it is my advice.

Psycho's running things is a problem in all our societies. The thing with Trump is he is a Washington outsider, rich and in the eyes of our materialistic societies, has already climbed to the top of the shit heap. So what is left for him? His legacy to feed his vanity. These people love historic figures and get woodies with the idea their name will live on. He does want the best for America but for purely for selfish reasons, his legacy. So lets hope if he gets in, which I think is a given as Kamala is Kamala, he surrounds himself with good advisors with plenty of emotional intelligence this time, which I think he is doing. I think he will cut a lot of waste from bloated government and withdraw from o/s conflicts. He will still use the military, but it will be in America's own hemisphere. Venezuela first on the list.

But don't fool yourself that politics have never seen his type of personality/ flaws before. There are plenty of examples. For sure not ideal, but it won't be as bad as everyone thinks.

puff Level 8 Sep 8, 2024

Having studied human psychological development ingnraduate school, I stand by my analysis.

@wordywalt And I'm basically agreeing with you. I base my analysis from reading and personal experience.
Had a bit of a nasty break up with the ex. What she did made no sense ie She hurt me, her kids and she hurt herself, the only ones benefitting her brothers. She is not a bad person so I tried to understand the why? It's like she doesn't even think of others I thought. Then I thought "What if she had zero empathy? None at all? Just not capable of it? So then I imagined a life with zero empathy ie unaware others had feelings at all and stuck in your own little world. That you don't recognise body language at all because why would you look for it with zero empathy? That your memory would be without emotional ties so not strong people wise. And without memories, you would tend to live in the moment and the only happiness ever is when it happens directly to you. Bang!! Our whole marriage suddenly made sense. I guessed they have feeling but their emotional side is so fucked up they don't recognise it in themselves. So I tested my theory on her, using skills I was taught when debriefing people, undoing indoctrination.

So I sat her down and started explaining feelings and emotions to her. She went totally still and all animation went out of her face but I had her full attention; those eyes. I knew she was adored by her father, who died before I met her, from other family members. She did talk about him with much fondness too. As I said, I had her full attention when I said "Do you remember when your Father died and you felt a little sick and did not want to eat? Well, other people feel that too" Her eyes flew open in utter shock. It was news to her. I had guessed right.
As I continued talking she remained totally still and expressionless but her eyes, they were swimming with emotion, tears running down an expressionless face. At the end, she gave me a real hug I had never really gotten from her in 17 years together and said "Thank you for understanding me"

I will never forget that night, but she forgot about a week later. So now, I feel sorry for those who lack any empathy as it must be a horrible life with bad memory and not gaining any pleasure from others pleasure.
So anyway, I recognise it in others, far more common than I realised. And all the symptoms you described can be attributed to one thing; a lack of empathy. These people know they lack something and want to learn. Religions proclaim to know all about empathy which is why religion is fiull of narcs imo. But their understanding will only ever be 2 dimensional, learnt, and they really have to concentrate to be empathetic. As my ex said, "Makes my head hurt". They are pure logic these people, it's just their logic starts off from a very fucked up base line ie self interest.
I'll have to write a book one day. It was like an exorcism and blew my mind. When explained how her brothers used her the emotionless tears streamed down. When I explained how she could get back at them her eyes quickly flashed very dark ie the narc in her came rushing back.
So this is where my opinion comes from.


Apparently many GOPers are not sane, or moral, or patriotic, at least not in the traditional sense of the definition.

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