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More than 190 ethnic groups live in Russia.
Russia's ethnic minorities disproportionately die in the war in Ukraine.

Ryo1 8 Sep 10

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This is a very bloody war with the death tolls comparable to WW I. That 300,000 could well be correct but we will probably never know.
The Ukraine death toll is much worse though, that country will not recover. I think the real figure from both sides is well over a million, getting close to 2 million. Those are shocking figures, all individual human tragedies.

Do you think Gaza is only 40,000 dead or whatever the most recent figure is? There was 2.2 million there at Oct 7th so does 2.16 million left now sound realistic? I think it is far more than that, then we can add the sick and starving with Israeli's still blocking the free flow of aid truck into Gaza.

The first casualty of war is the truth as they say. And why I get up the Biden admin and NATO all the time. Because the US arms both these wars and thus could stop both wars with a single phone call. "No more support, we are cutting it off." And it makes me sick to see the Lindsey Grahams and Macron's of this world talking tuff and saying what a good invest it is as they are weakening the Russian Federation but all the money actually goes to weapon manufacturer's at home so good for the economy without getting any US soldiers killed.

Palestinians and Ukrainian's are getting slaughtered and so are Israeli's (not so sad about that) and Russian Federation citizens. All because NATO just had to expand. Burns, CIA, predicted this back in 2008, what would happen if NATO moved into Ukraine. Look up "Nyet means Nyet" and you will find his email from 2008 to the state department, exposed only because of Wikileaks. Biden veto's Gaza ceasefires at the UN, Then brags how the US is close to negotiating a ceasefire. That Gaza "humanitarian" pier was a sick joke.
Far too many dead. The world has to change. But gladly, I think it is.

puff Level 8 Sep 10, 2024
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