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I am a humanist because ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 11

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Except when the government forces vaccines

I remember when I was in grade school it was required that all students get vaccinated for "childhood diseases". However, I also remember there was a kid my age at my parent's church who was mostly deaf, because he wasn't vaccinated for measles and he became deaf as a result of having acquired measles.

There are many long term problems, such as that measles causes permanent deafness in about 10% of those who get it, which society has 'forgotten', because those long term problems have mostly been eradicated via vaccines which prevented the diseases that resulted in deafness, blindness, retardation, paralysis and other permanent complications of diseases we now have vaccines for. One of my cousins was permanently in a wheelchair because he was born before the polio vaccine was available.

So, as long as a vaccine has gone through the approval process to show that it is 'safe', I have no problem with the government requiring vaccinations. I hold this view in spite of the fact that I had a reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine, which activated an autoimmune response. However my autoimmune problems (panniculitis) are much less severe and/or problematic than actually getting hepatitis.


I am a humanist without gods.


However, being human is NOT more important than the system under which all life form live under. We, supposedly the smarter species, need to get our priorities right as no one is smarter than mother nature and she is unwavering in her need to maintain a balance on her planet.

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