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This is how full of shite the US has become. In 2008 Netanyahu told an Israeli newspaper that 9/11 has been good for Israel. Now the US honours their dead by enabling genocide.

puff 8 Sep 11

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Isrealis set up set up seats to watch the Gaza bombings. Now they are blaming 9/11 on the Saudi Arabia, after 24 years. They no longer didn't go along to get along.


Isreali people now need to stand on their own two feet

Israeli Zionists will never hide behind the Holocaust again, that's for sure.

@puff Interesting prediction

@Mcfluwster But not a hard one to make. When this and future generations are asked "What do you think of when you hear the word genocide?" It won't be the Holocaust or the death camps ie Chełmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau.
They will think of the most documented one in history.


No other time in history were so many cell phones with cameras. And many of the other wars were mainstream media staged by the west..

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