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What comes next in this series 201 820 192 020 202 120 222 ? What is four times one half factorial squared?

What is the closest star to the sun?

Is a light year a measure of time, brightness, power. length or stars.

What used to come after Z in the English alphabet?

Without using a calculator, what is four to the power one point five?

Is it true, false or unknown whether or not prime numbers larger than seven are either one less or one more than a number divisible by six?

What three letter acronym means fond attention?

If three posters can make a post in two hours how long will it take five posters?

Polemicist 7 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Never heard that one about prime numbers before, good one. I would say true. Since two less or more than six, would be an even number, and three less or more, would be divisible by three, then you are back to one less or more only. Cute.

I can see you and Lee Mack now, at the end of the show.

@Polemicist Sorry it says, "video unavailable". and "blocked from this site".


It's part of the IQ test to watch it on youtube.

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