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It looks like 3 against one in the debate. It was silly for Trump talking about illegals aliens eating the locals pets in Springfield US.

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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You mean 4 against one, Trump is his own worst enemy. And, if you count truth/reality, 5 against one.

Trump is a blithering idiot.

It's amazines me how extreme both are such liars and how many clambering to listen to them. It's beyond me.

@Castlepaloma. Your extreme bias and dishonesty is evident. You cannot compare pathological liars to other people.

Trump's False or Misleading Claims Total 30,573 Over 4 Years



Why stop at 30,573 lies, and Harris BS, that doesn't even care she is lying. I wouldn't support anyone who breaks their promises, especially all presidential politicians who breaks over 75% of them. I got much higher standards and deceny than that.
How can I be bias? when I'm an mini anarchist. Every US President gets worst ever since JFK.
Just Destroy the garbage system and restart at Zero. It could happen also.

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