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Dolly Parton Quotes Jesus and Becomes MAGA Enemy

nogod4me 8 Sep 13

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Seems the way to get noticed and become even more famous these days is to stand up against the orange 'savior." Taylor Swift has announced she is formally against tRump and she got a huge bump in support for finally announcing what everyone knew.


This unequivocally proves MAGA are both Fake Christians and Fake Americans. I'd love to see an IQ and behavioral profile of this group. They truly are the "fine people on both sides" Trump described. Just never mind the swastikas tattooed under their clothing.


How sad is it that a person can be demonized for virtually minding their own business. Is "hate" that desperate to find fault where there is none?

Betty Level 8 Sep 13, 2024

"Compassion alone stands apart from the continuous traffic between good and evil proceeding within us. Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless." Eric Hoffer

@nogod4me I would have said empathy, compassion, and understanding. Empathy identifies with, compassion is the desire to assist, and understanding is the knowledge of potential positives and negatives.


Are not extreme left and right crazy or insane.?

Go for live and let live.No harm involved, Just don't Mandate it on my taxes. Complete Transsexuals surgery average cost is $250,000 . Whats the point when the balance of female are at 50% let them pay for it. . Trans pussy are not the same, from my guessestate , not by experience.

Your taxes? Really? Okay, from now on you will get no benefit from paying taxes - If only you could understand that.

"In the alchemy of man's soul almost all noble attributes--courage, honor, love, hope, faith, duty, loyalty, etc.--can be transmuted into ruthlessness."

"Compassion alone stands apart from the continuous traffic between good and evil proceeding within us. Compassion is the antitoxin of the soul: where there is compassion even the most poisonous impulses remain relatively harmless." Eric Hoffer

"Give people pride and they'll live on bread and water, bless their exploiters, and even die for them. Self-surrender is a transaction of barter: we surrender our sense of human dignity, our judgment, our moral and esthetic sense for pride. If there is pride in being free we are ready to die for liberty. If there is pride to be derived from an identification with a leader, we grovel in the dust before a Napoleon, Hitler [Trump] or Stalin and are ready to die for him. If there is distinction in suffering, we search for martyrdom as for hidden treasure." - Eric Hoffer


Don't want any scraps from the government, just leave my income business alone, yet sales tax are OK.
An artist is the lowest paid on the financial totem pole. It's the love of the work for most waking hours in life that makes successful lives..
I pay most of money in taxes and find income tax is theift. There is no constitutional right to refuse to file an income tax return on the ground that it violates the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. And no Goverment has the right to tell us what must go in or out of our automy bodies. I can rise a child on $250.000, where a transsexuals cost the same and still they will be at the highest suicide rate of any group. From the 50s our children have been cut into a third and we triple the square footage in our home. It's not about relationship and family. It's about coup,, bribes and Oligarchies rules. Most of the houses will be owned by BlackRock in 5 year and their killionaires will continue world record profits. .
My self government I farm the healthy food and medicine. Affordable tiny house and communities.
I'm ready for the apocalypse, bring it on.

@Castlepaloma Well, at least you explained it in a confusing, clueless, disjointed kind of way.

We could just make the rich pay their fair share of taxes so that the middle class doesn't carry the burden.


It's the rich capitist who do most of the work and pay most of the taxes. Like I was during hiring 1000s of people. It's the greedy wealthy corporationism who are the puppet masters. They lobby, bribe and control the Goverment. That keeps everyone busy in conflicts, wail the super weathy run away with the money.
We the people can take control again, Like throughout human histoty, by means of the collective consciousness of the 80%, The true bosses and leaders.

I love "live and let live." I always told my mother that was how I felt but she said it needed more and was not good enough alone. As for the cost of trans surgery, I've never been interested enough to look it up. Not interested in trans pussy now. Not likely to be interested in the future.

I'm not seeing what any of this BS has to do with Dolly Parton unless the right is making stuff up again. There is every reason to see how they exaggerate on many issues and this must be one of them. For example, I was reminded again today about Hunter Biden's laptop. My reply was what about it. The laptop proves nothing and everyone talks about it but nobody knows what is on it. I was then told that it's existence proves the Biden's are crooks. Well, so much for the right wing think tank. 🙂

What about trans dicks? Even though you pay a lot higher taxes in Canada than we do here (which most US taxpayers don't know) you also get a lot more benefits. Trans surgeries comes under the national health plan which, officially, we do not have. So instead of bitching about your taxes you should be happy at what you get in return (like sane gun laws).

I'm pro choice , if transsexuals want to commit suicide, which is higher number of deaths than war and murder including guns, Go for it!!! It's the killionaires drug cartel who make world record profits from it.
Most Americans and Canadian say there is only two gender. Why should it being forced clown our throat by law, of multiple genderism with no biological facts. That be forced into a private spaces, grooming our children, female sports and most of all our free speech. Once Goverments take control of mind and bodies, we will be enslaves forever. Goverment can take care of the small stuff, not our well being. with garbage.

For a 100,000 years, we alway knew male and female. Johns Hopkins Hospital established the first gender-affirming surgery (GAS) clinic in the United States in 1966. Operating for more than 13 years, the clinic was abruptly closed in 1979. According to the hospital, the decision was made in response to objective evidence claiming that GAS was ineffective.
It failed in Sweden also , if will fail again especially in the east nations. Where our Trudeau tries to mix gender idealogy with trading products. He no longer has respect globally and in Canada. Yet he is one of the wealthiest prime minister in the world, from vaccines and drug cartels. He is most happy around Drag queens , nothing wrong with that, just have him pay for it

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