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AS hard as Harris kicked Trump's ass in the prez debate, haw hard do you expect Walz to spank Vance in the upcoming veep debate? I'm expecting more humiliation, more ignominy and more political castration of the Trump/Vance ticket.

Watching MAGA get its ass handed to it is like drinking a big frosty milkhake made with ice cream and politics. It's so delicious!

Sgt_Spanky 8 Sep 13

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Don't tell Vance that he is going to be ask to participate in a Mass Debate live on tv or he will insist in bringing his couch wife with him.


Walz should prod him into explaining how suburban Cincinnati is part of Appalachia.
Also, we wanna know more about this couch sex thing.


Walz has wit, humor and balls, besides the confidence of knowing he's on the right side of history by protecting democracy. Debates have always bored me, but the Trump/Harris debate was entertaining, just watching Kamala's expressions, let alone her quips.

Walz will be just as entertaining with putting Vance in his place, if they end up in a debate. Get out the popcorn, haha!


This video alone shows how JD Vance (talking about Taylor Swift) is clueless. Trump is already preparing the gallow.

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