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Would like your opinion???

I have a love one, who is an intertional award winning artist. She is a strong member of the LGBT and dresses wild and drinks alcohol. She just got offered a ton of money to move Saudi Arabia because they lack good artist.

Is it, a bad Idea?

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 15

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Any more ideas is welcomed . This helps in the risk factor of her choice.

Thank you.


Tell her she'll be living in a gated community, lots of security and get escorted when she goes shopping.

puff Level 8 Sep 15, 2024

For safety that sounds like a good idea to travel in pairs.

She more often has lived with guys.. it is illegal to live together before marriage in Saudi Arabia? This will be a a real challenge.

@Castlepaloma I'd strongly advise her to go for a week as a tourist first. Talk to people who live there before committing to anything. It will be a culture shock for her.

@Castlepaloma Don't think good or bad, just different. But I suspect, not her cup of tea.


She usually work on contract, I'll recommend the shortest contract.


sounds like they are buying her way to destabilize they country like they are doing to the western nations....she might be ok if it the ones with money buying her.

Hope she keeps her head on straight because she is doing it for prime price money. If her personal life suffers too much, she will take the money and run.

@Castlepaloma and if she does a good job of what they want they will let her go.... if not they will give her to the rapist and do the muslim justice.....


What is her life worth? Saudi is pretty harsh on lgbt folks. She might be able to pull it off but in my mind I wouldn't want my kin going there. I could be totally wrong as I have never been there and it is highly likely I never will be.

Could be right .Saudi Arabia have dress codes , very strict or no alcohol laws. When they had the world cup football the LGBT had problems. Could be fine and deported. She may have come with nun attitude and want none.

@Castlepaloma 40 years ago I met an Australian male nurse who was given 50 lashes on his back for drinking alcohol. His comment was "the ignorant bastards can't count". If he wasn't homosexual before the encounter I suspect he was after.


Hope much has change in 40 years.

@Castlepaloma Given the Kashoggi (spelling?) I doubt anything has changed. They seem to be a repressive and brutal regime.

@PaddyO but is that simply like Oct 7th in response to other ongoing abuses? Like religion?

@Castlepaloma I doubt it. Like the American delusion (see 1. below) it's been going for a heck of a long time. Tell Paloma that peace & health are priceless ie. no amount of wealth can buy it - fulfilment will naturally follow but is not necessarily what one's indoctrination says that it should be.

There should be alternative solutions to the Middle East contract - works made in Canada & shipped, zoom lectures\ management control\ supervision etc.
Note 1.

Your on to me, it is my daughter Paloma that's going to Saudi Arabia. Just found out she is contracted for just 3 months. She is responsible enough to handle a different way of thinking for that time frame.. I've traveled over a 100 countries and she already traveled 80 countries. Because her work is well sought after internationally. We look at commercial art work to support our expressive fine art works. She lived with a broke boyfriend who drained her too much. This money will kick start her fine art studio in Montréal again.

Everyone comment help confirmed my first thoughts. That really helps alot when emotions get bent out of shape.

She is most important person in the world to me and greatly appreciate everyone here your input.

Work, love and peace. Paloma in Spanish means the white dove of peace

A sample of my art work is on photo post.

@Castlepaloma Slainte Irish for cheers or to your good health. Pronounced Slan-cha. I wish her all the luck to keep her in good health mentally and physically.

@Castlepaloma There are members "I will not cross not cross the street to piss on if on fire. Then there are those I will do all I can to help".
If I've helped I'm glad, if not I apologise for having contentious opinion. I hope however for your wellbeing that everything turns out ok.

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