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Don't you hate it when someone leaves the questioning/thinking/doubting emoji but don't explain what they mean by that? 🤔🤔🤔

Ryo1 8 Sep 15

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What do you not understand about someone going away to think about something?

I learnt not to speak\ write without having given thought to the issue. . . Are you just wanting "shoot from the hip" #stupid s responding?

Going away, pondering - well, that's fair enough, but they usually don't follow up. I wanna know their thinking.

@Ryo1 if they didn't come back they either lost interest or had nothing to add to the discussion.

@Ryo1 don't assume that its a personal sleight. It's merely an admission that silence is the better part of valour or in some cases commenting proves their #stupidity so they do not prove it.

Kinda makes sense.


I ignore emoji.


I'll have to think a bit more about whether I hate it, love it, or just want to file it away in my brain to consider for future conversations.


Just left it.

Quite rightly. I found the post laughter provoking however.

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