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Politics is the art of looking for trouble ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 15

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But it doesn't have to be... Looking for trouble, figuring out a solution and implementing it to remedy the problem is just more boring to the general public who often love a spectacle.

A rumor about people stealing pets to eat for dinner? Find out if it's true, if not, say so without amplifying it. If it is true, remind the public that pets are people's property, and make information about hunting and fishing licenses, rules and regulations available. Don't instigate the deportation of all immigrants on a false rumor. But for some people in politics, the cruelty is the point.

Buffoonery we used to just laugh at has become a cruel reality for large factions of society.

Kids going to school in the morning and returning a different gender because of medical operations performed on the children in lieu of algebra class? While nobody really believes this stuff, it's dangerous when political candidates spew it.

The quote was from Groucho Marx, and I did categorize it under "silly, random and fun". Although there may be traces of truth in it, I believe that quote was more meant to be funny than taken seriously.

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