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Dave Weinbaum is a noted local businessman who has political shows on radio stations, writes columns, and owns a few McDonald's restaurants. Hope I am not sleighting him any. He used to host Lara Loomer and others and was fairly good at comedy as well. Republican all the way and I recently ran onto his 2024 GOP Platform as posted here. It seems a bit different than the one Trump has proposed. In fact, it is better than the one we normally see.

Any comments?

DenoPenno 9 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't see anything wrong here

Tejas Level 8 Sep 17, 2024

15 and 16 are a little off in that you cannot just "cancel" something and I think all the critical race theory stuff (16) and radical gender, etc. are taken out of context. Nobody is wanting to change your kid's sexual gender and have trans people read stories to them, forcing kids to go to see cross dressers, etc. These are talking points that the right uses against the left that have been taken to great extremes. The ones making the claims know this but it is all in with "owning the libs." The best we can do to fight it say jokingly that we went to school to pick up our boy and they had turned him into a girl. All in one day without permission or even asking anyone. Common sense says that doing this to minors is illegal and absolutely nobody can produce a Democrat or Progressive who is in favor of any of it. The reason is simple. IDIOTIC CRAP WILL NOT GET YOU ELECTED. Maybe Trump thinks it will. Just say it and make others believe it.

One outstanding thing here for me is that Dave Weinbaum has number 14 as a protection of Social Security and Medicaid with NO CUTS in benefits. This is exactly how it should be. The thing is Trump has said he wants to "change it" or phase it out all together. This is exactly what is in the works in Project 2025 which Trump feigns ignorance of. Most of those people have worked with him at one time or another. Overall, Weinbaum has a more acceptable GOP 2024 plan. Trump flip flops around on his version of it and anyone in their right mind would be able to see that without Social Security and Medicaid as we know life would go to hell for many people including babies and children. This is not 1950 nor 1900. My income is now Social Security only and many in nursing homes and do not have other money. We cannot go back. For most of us today it takes 2 working partners to make ends meet.

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