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Personally do not allow guns in my circle.
America can cut their offensive military budgets to 1/5th their cost now and still have double the defense military budget per capita than in the averages country today. It would stop homelessness, poverty and everyone would have full Medicare. They rather fight than switch.

There is a civil war going on, in the US worse than the over sea wars. Unless the nukes come out. Then the US War veteran are coming out to arrest Biden and UK leader as they attempt to use their long range missile on Russia..And Russia will not back down this time. During the Cuba nuke crisis, I hide under my desk when the the loud siren went off in school. What next teather? kiss our butts goodbuy.

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 17

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Go back to sleep America, the USA military Complex and NATO have it all under control.
Dream the American dream,, go back to sleep.


US weapons hit a nuclear plant in Russia, it's equal to a nuclear bomb. Russia hasn't responded, a big yet.

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