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This is how the fake story about Haitians eating pets got started, and now there have been over 30 bomb threats and several violent incidents as a result. That is NOT the kind of future I want, and he is not the kind of leader we need in the U.S. ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Basically the MAGA platform is to convince white people their lives are miserable, they face multiple internal threats, and only Trump can fix it. Lying is the only way to accomplish that.


I can't help but think that if you have to make up stories to highlight a problem, then it was not that problematic in the first place.


For MAGA, it is all about the entertainment value. They have no need to hear any truth from the government. They predicate their whole existence on religious fantasy lest cognitive dissonance rear its leftist head.


Talk about a low life!! He is trying to out lie Trump, figures that is the best way to get ahead in the Republican Party.

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