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There is never any need to ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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And yet, given chaos theory, everything influences everything else. Maybe obvious control may elude our perception, but diligent awareness and the radiation of that awareness can influence an outcome.

Again, I'll mention how I asked Swalwell to release the AATIP studies. He had no idea what I was talking about, but they did get declassified a few years later. Who is to say my comment didn't influence that outcome?

I love the Chaos Theory! It changed my entire outlook on life. Your decision to bring that to his attention may have created the push to accomplish what you wanted. Had you not brought it up, would it have happened anyway? The great thing about the Chaos Theory is most of the time we never know the entire results of what every decision or move we make creates out past our immediate perception. You may see an immediate result of your actions, but can never know the eventual changes and lives that it could affect far away and years in the future. It is perfect.

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