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And once again people don't say any thing these ass holes say if you don't say any thing than your ok with it!!! theses are the scientist the billionaires/trillionaire pay and you fall for it!

Scientists unveil controversial plan to pack Pacific Ocean with iron by 2026.

Who in hell gave these people the permission and right to do this stupid destructive act? As if computer models have always been right? NO! They have VERY RARELY been right . . . Scientists have proposed a controversial method to combat climate change - packing a giant swath of the Pacific Ocean with iron.

The technique, called ocean iron fertilization (OIF), dumps a powdered form of iron onto the sea's surface to stimulate the growth of a small marine plant called phytoplankton, which consumes carbon dioxide and traps the gas in the ocean.

Computer models showed that by releasing up to two million tons of iron into the sea each year, the effort would remove of nearly 50 billion tons of carbon dioxide by the year 2100.

Researchers plan to release the iron across 3,800 square miles northeast Pacific by 2026.

1patriot 8 Sep 17

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