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My doctor visit today went fairly well. I told her I was not going to be scared up, was not afraid of a heart attack due to too much potassium, that I quit statins, and that I do not support Big Pharma. She then says if my potassium is again too high it may be my BP med and she would have to change it. OK, my blood pressure was 116 over 68.
What is it that I am not understanding here?

Out the door and into some local shopping I met a nice business lady that I discussed politics with. I have a simple way of doing it and she thought I was nice and that I am not angry about anything. I'm telling her it is very simple. The way I vote has to do with "We The People" being all of us and not just a select few. She agreed. It seemed we were getting along great in a light hearted way and then I brought up Social Security as a much needed program. She looked very serious as she told me Kamala is going to do away with that. Yes, she is going to expand it, she said. I guess that means I will not get mine and somebody else will, or like a pencil eraser it just gets used up. I found it hard to believe that she thought this was true.

Before I could leave her shop she got into people eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. She swore to me that this is true and they are from Haiti. It is their culture and now they are bringing it all over here. We don't want this in our society and some of it is even going on in this town, she said. As I went out the door this attractive lady, who looks 60 or so, invited me back to talk to her some other time.

As I got into my car I understood again why Trump loves the uneducated. He can easily sway his cult members and this lady was not really stupid at all, just brainwashed.

DenoPenno 9 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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You have such patience. After 8 years of non stop trump and maga BS I just can’t deal with these people anymore. I usually just walk away. Otherwise I would say some not very nice things to them. The cat and dog thing really drives me up a wall. To me I think it’s completely racist and anyone who believes it has to have a modicum of racism in them. I just can’t abide with people who denigrate an entire race of people. Ugh!!

I agree with you, Sandi, but how can I argue or say bad things to these people? I try to plant seeds but they only hear what they want to hear. In her case she also claims to be Christian so go back a bit and note how all of them think Jesus is coming back any day and it will happen in her lifetime. This is so personal to them that the cat and dog thing is also happening in her town. She might have friends who agree with her. Someone who saw a sinister person with a cat or dog just the other day. People like her cannot pick up on this batshit crazy Trumpism. To me, this is also why she thinks that Kamala is doing away with Social Security. Expanding it for everybody means you might not get yours. Nothing will be left. Her world is mostly Trumpsay and I did not know this as our conversation started. She agreed on "We The People" meaning all of us and not just a select few but she does not get it. Maybe she can never get it.

A couple of weeks ago I talked a black woman at a headquarters in Arizona into voting. She said she liked how I said things without word salad, time travel, and holding up what a candidate says they have done. Vote in a way that will help you and everybody else. We are all in this together. On the other hand, my insurance lady is a devout Republican but does not agree. Trump has to be her choice because she claims the Hunter Biden laptop proves the Bidens are a crime family. A laptop that has all this evidence but no evidence has ever been produced. Her anger came out because Republicans have no answer for Trump. They really do not know how to explain Trump and the ride they have been on.

Our only hope is that women all secretly vote blue. How would anyone know? You do not have to say how you voted. Social media has even gotten so bad that I found a recent post about how Elvis might still be alive if he had married Ann Margret. OK, they got married and Elvis will then not have a heart attack while taking a crap late at night. Where do these people come from and why do they believe nonsense?


How is being easily brainwashed not a sign of stupidity? Maybe it's semantics and the person is bright, but incapable of critical thinking?

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