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War wa the main or overall message of Jesus?

What do you think was the main message of Jesus Christ? [Let us just agree for a while that he existed for the sake of arguement]

I do not think that it was “the sermon on the mount” or “I’m the way, the truth and the light “ 

OR any other Bible speak like that.

I think it was “ Do as I say ” or “I command you to praise and Pray ”

Not in those words of course and with many editing alterations through the years

Why do YOU not try that point out on a few Christian Friends and report back. Perhaps it has always been in your mind.

Mcfluwster 7 Sep 19

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Be kind. (At least according to the Lost Horizon movie). (But why do you ask?)

Be kind is good but is it kind to delude people ?
Was the overall message " Stop anyone else but me thinking for themselves" whether this was from a real person or a re-constructed and misty preacher of old.

It is unkind to lie or otherwise delude people. Given the cognitive dissonance of religion versus scientific reality, disregarding that contradiction is lying to oneself. I suspect that this mental 'process' degrades neural circuitry causing moral blind-spots.

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