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So much for being agents for peace….👀

Aaron70 8 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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This is more proof positive how republicans have turned corrupt. They talk about the last election being stolen but it is they who try to steal elections and when it doesn't work they cry unfair. Problem is, their lackeys believe them.


He should resign or he should be removed from office. The first reason is that he cannot talk of political opinions in his job position and it is very obvious that his take on immigrants is that they are not human. This fits into his politics well and identifies him as a Trumper. I'm still amazed by people on talk shows that believe Trump will have our world problems resolved in about 2 weeks if he gets re-elected. Men like this going so far as to say we should keep tabs on those who having a Harris sign in their yard means he is wanting to tell you your political identity.

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