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The Profiteers Raise Their Ugly Heads Today Watching both Fox and MSNBC today was like an episode of Fringe, reality officially divided into two dimensions.
Canceling the Iran deal is literally the stupidest thing any President has every done, but you would never know that watching Fox work its propaganda magic. Even MSNBC was giving the morons air time.

No one talked about the real motives. Donald wants attenetion. Gas prices will go up dramatically. Not right away, but they will. The North Korean deal will likely fail. They want war.

Not only will that raise gas prices further, governemnts will have to borrow more to fund an arms build up and expenditure when the shooting starts. All the while the top 1% get richer and richer.

We know what is happening. We have to stop this. Do what you can!

jeffy 7 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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He so wants to use HIS TROOPS


Wrong - Trump knows what he is doing. The Iran deal was awful.

gater Level 7 May 8, 2018

Not a clue, you really think Trump is smarter than half a dozen other countries.

@MikeFlora Way smarter

@gater What are you using?

@Marine lol using? - my brain? Logic, reason? not sure what you are asking - lol

@gater trumpie just wants to use HIS TROOPS so bad to show the world he can start another war.

@Marine And you can offer proof of this statement?

Can you offer proof Trump knows what he is doing? He has failed at everything except a stupid TV show and inheriting his wealth. His a con artist, nothing more - ripping anyone off he can. Every business he ran went bankrupt. He can't borrow money in the US anymore, that/s why he has to suck up to Putin - they own him. That's why no tax returns. Lucky for America, there are still some Republicans who aren't crooked scumbags and they are well on the way to taking him and his whole crew out.

@jeffy Record low unemployment, GNP @ 3%, over 3 million new jobs, record stock market, release of North Korean hostages...Do you follow the news?

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