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I just read that The Shawshank Redemption initially flopped at the Box Office, grossing a mere 16 million. That’s pretty crazy…..🤪

Aaron70 8 Sep 23

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I was actually one of the few who saw it in the theaters. It was/is a great movie.

I think a part of is that is was one of the few Stephen King stories which had no supernatural aspects to it, and ((most of) his fans like the scary and paranormal aspects of his stories because they love the thrill of being scared.

Personally, I prefer his stories without the supernatural/paranormal aspects to them. I think those aspects make it harder to suspend disbelief and enjoy the story.

In his book on writing, he said his favorite book that he wrote was "Cujo", and I agree with him. His only regret was that he was so strung out on Cocaine that he can't actually remember writing it. I believe his realization of that helped him get into sobriety.

Right, the scariest monsters are the real ones….👀

@Aaron70 I think in part that is why I also liked "The Dead Zone". The guy with the paranormal abilities wasn't scary, but the politician was. I liked both the book and the movie. Although I never saw the TV series... don't know if that was good as well.


That pops up on my news feed every now and then. Pretty amazing sine by the time I got around to watching it I thought it was a fantastic movie.

Yes, it is a great flick! 🤠

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