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No man on earth is truly free ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 24

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Some are more free than others. If we elect democrats we are less free as they want to control everything.

It was republicans who... passed the Patriot Act which allows the government to spy on private citizens. It is republicans who don't want women to be able to choose whether or not they want to have a child when they have unintentionally gotten pregnant. It is (some) republicans who suggested doing away with laws against child labor. It is republicans who are responsible for keeping the minimum wage below the poverty line. It is republicans who have intentionally purged the voter rolls to prevent black person and people of color from voting. It is republicans who wanted to prevent persons from being to choose the gender of the person they marry. It is republicans who keep trying to legislate their religious values into law to try to force their religion onto everyone.

Republicans, in general, only want freedom for people who are white, rich, male, Christian and heterosexual. They do allow a few token members. However, somebody like Robinson who is a black man running to be Governor of NC, who has described himself as a "black Nazi" and who wrote that slavery is a good thing, indicates that their "token" members are (often) pretty fucked up mentally.

Democrats want equal opportunity for everyone, and for the laws to apply equally to everyone.

When you make statements like this: "Some are more free than others. If we elect democrats we are less free as they want to control everything."

This is what decent democratic people hear, know, and understand: [White people, especially white men] are more free than others. If we elect democrats [white people, especially white men] are less free as the Democrats want to [give a voice and] control [of] everything [to all the American people]. It's called Democracy!

Put in other words that you may understand: Trump can't just grab women by the pussy without consequences.

@Trajan61. I concur


All humans are also slaves to their genetics which are the inherited characteristics that determine health intellect and everything we are. As Richard Dawkins says we are no more than a vessel to transport genes from one generation to another

I see genetics as "potential", and not totally definitive. A person's culture, family and upbringing has a lot to do with how or whether or not potential actually gets used.

@snytiger6 Yes I definitely agree ,it is a a combination of genetics and environment that determines an individual’s life especially when it comes to what religion they follow and or if they believe in a deity or not .But I believe genetics plays the dominant part for an individual to overcome the indoctrination of religion and question the belief in a god


We are "consumers" from our beginning, we must consume living matter in order to survive, whether plant or animal.

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