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I don't have a TV, but I saw clips of the Olympics on YouTube. They gave me a new perspective on Snoop Dogg.

Now, he is a judge on The Voice and I think that I am in love with him.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I've seen him in some funny stuff.

I've never seen him in anything but the Olympics/The Voice!


Hes adorable and super kind!

He is adorable and I can tell he is super kind and funny!


I have no idea of whom you speak.

And I thought that I was media unsavvy! He is a rap artist. I am not into rap and never listened to his work, but I knew who he was. Then, he helped host the Olympics and I was charmed.

@Gwen_Wanderer Yes, well Team USA. Countries are horribly patriotic! I got Team Canada. I got Celine Dion opening it. Similarly I got Canada's version of the D Day landings and no doubt had I been in my birth country I'd have got their news.

@rogerbenham I did not know that there were Teams for different countries! Snoop showed up on my home page on YouTube. Since I also get recommendations for videos in foreign languages, I don't know if where I live is taken into account.

@Gwen_Wanderer I was watching on CBC and your PBS

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