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We live in a world of complexity. Dealing with that requires he ability to analyze, and synthesize and integrate information from multiple sources, with an intense focus on attaining useful and accurate results. That is especially true for those in leadership positions.

Donald Trump has almost NO ability to deal with complexity. Examine his speech patterns and you will find unrelated gibberish sprinkled with things that he believes will be appealing to his listeners. He simply cannot maintain a train of thought for more than 2 or 3 sentences. He refuses to read complex materials in briefings or in preparation for group decision-making.

Instead, he requires those attempting to prepare him for difficult decision-making to present the information orally in a greatly oversimplified form. He simply dismisses facts and information that he does not want to deal with. If someone disagrees with him publicly, he tends to want to punish the dissenters. In short, when his “leadership” will inevitably create very bad “group think” (a la Irving Janis). He is a threat to any organization he heads.

wordywalt 9 Sep 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Sarcasm alert.
Whereas genocide Joe has difficulty safely leaving the rostrum after reading the diatribe put before him . . . perhaps that is why he stumbled so much. Mind you I've just read that the English PM has just mistaken hostages in Israel for sausages - I'm not sure if that was the few dozen not killed off yet by the IDF held by Hamas or if the millions of Palestinian hostsges held by the Jews.

You show a persistent, malevolent tendency, in responding to posts, to turn everything into twisted(if not totally false) anti'-American and pro-Russian rants which have nothing to do withthe origibnal posts. I will not respond to your shit, except to point out that you are doing.

@wordywalt glad to hear from you Walt. Enjoy -
Geoge Carlin "America is one big lie " - people are stupid & dumbass

@FrayedBear Still at the USA trashing I see. You shave still not respondied directly to the content of the vastr majority of my posts. That has not changed.

@wordywalt S'funny. I thought that Carlin is one of your own.

@wordywalt but a usual blame the messenger not the message & American cause of that message.


Yes, some things are not so complex:

"You know, they talk about the paper clip. The paper clip is a very simple thing. A lot of people say, 'Gee, why didn't I think of that"! - Donald J. Trump - Ex-president of the United States - Voted out by the American people

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