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My wife just told me her and her therapist, who used to be our marriage counselor before I stopped seeing him, told her atheists have no morals. I tried to explain how that was a bigoted thing to say and she argued with me. Fuck em both.

towkneed 7 Sep 27

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The irony of such an unethical person commenting on the morals of others is almost comedic.


Report the therapist for unethical behaviour.

It would be hearsay. And he's not worth my time.


Because I heard of this prejudiced attitude from counselors/therapists, I sought out a secular one several years ago, when trying to figure out how to stay in a marriage that was making me so unhappy. I got down to earth counseling and advice to break free of the marriage. I was very grateful for someone to listen to me, based in reality and what I was really going through.

Secular therapists are out there -- but if your wife sought a religious one out, well then perhaps she got the type of confirmation she was seeking. Everyone needs to feel right sometimes -- meaning your wife - and even though we might know in our hearts we are not wrong - if it buys us happiness and freedom for someone to think ill of us, then so be it.

I stopped seeing him for several reasons. He never advertised as a "Christian counselor", but Houston is in the bible belt. Our marriage has been shit for years but we have a kid with special needs, she can't hold down a job, and I'm not rich. Basically separate households is impossible for financial reasons and because of the high level of care our kids require. I'm done trying to fix it but she says she doesn't want to give up, although she consistently refuses compromise or anything that might lead to progress. So I try to make the best of the other areas of my life and put a lot of energy into keeping things from spilling over to the kids. Funny, but the worse our marriage gets the more into Jesus she gets. When we got together she wasn't really religious. But now it's her drug of choice.

@towkneed Oh dear, sounds like quite a situation, sorry to hear about that.

@towkneed Religion really is a drug of choice for some troubled people, and the beauty of it is, for them, that it's so socially sanctioned, unlike street drugs..


Tell your wife you don't need to be shown morals by religious fucktards as you have empathy. I would also give this therapist a Glasgow kiss.

puff Level 8 Sep 27, 2024

"A Glasgow kiss?"

@pamagain A head butt


I've yet to hear of a Christian who had as much morality as most atheists. it's really more projection, in service to religious bigotry which is lowest of the low.


WHAAAAT? Sounds like a violation of standards to me!

He was never strong on standards. When he was our marriage counselor she asked about seeing him for personal therapy. I thought he would tell her it was a conflict of interest while seeing us for marriage counseling. Nope.


That’s a shame. Humanists have a heap of morals and they’re atheists.

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