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For Puff on this site . Does the cap fit? Does it apply to him? PP&M was certainly part of my life as a young father

Mcfluwster 7 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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The Puff on this site does magic up some good connections for analysis . He said that he was an analyst. I wonder where he worked?. I would prefer more analysis and tactics on religious themes than politics, but let us get the election out of the US system for another 4 years.


I had the good fortune to meet Peter Paul and Mary in person. I used to dance on a local Chicago TV teen dance show back in the 60s, (they were the guests on one Saturday afternoon). I also got to see the Beatles live at White Sox Stadium in Chicago in 1965 and was lucky enough to get Tommy Sands' autograph when he appeared at his father's restaurant in Chicago, also in the 60s. I've never been starstruck, but for these three events.

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