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Experts Warn of Trump Danger at Major Conference

nogod4me 8 Oct 1

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I watched Mary Trump on Lawrence O'Donnell last night, talking about her broken family, and the many reasons Donald turned out the way he did. Disturbing, to say the least. I want to buy her new book.

I would venture a guess that he was alternately ignored and indulged as a young brat.

@TheoryNumber3 Both parents, apparently, were sociopaths. He was ignored unless he did something that aligned with his father's nefarious business dealings. Hey...I don't feel sorry for him. I went through worse. How Mary and her brother were able to turn out well is, I suppose, a credit to the fact that they didn't inherit those same tendencies.


at the very least he's bent. badly so.

Yes, Trump is bent, badly.

He's bent on destroying the U.S.

@TheoryNumber3 maybe, i think he's just scared of prison and/or thinks being potus will get him the admiration he deserves, which can't really happen because of his cognitive clutch slipping. even if a god he don't believe in bows to him he won't be properly worshipped ?

@hankster He requires constant praise , approval and adoration... probably things he didn't get as a child. But I've always felt that the worst thing anyone could do to trump would be to put him into isolation with no one to bloviate to.

@TheoryNumber3 if he could bloviate himself. floating around twixt his, "I'm a gift to creation," and the, "they all know I'm an embarrassment to humanity" parts of his mind the internal bloviation must support the "I'm a gift" for him to continue. a master-blovi-ator?

@hankster You're dreaming if you think his addled brain would ever entertain a realistic appraisal of himself 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 its all schemes and lies in there.


It's about time they move him from an oval office to a square cell.

a small dark round hole full of nursery rhymes and spiders?

Never put an insane person in a round or oval room, they will try to shit in a corner.

@nogod4me all the better. put him in a floating spherical room, on water.

@hankster Perfect! I like the way you think 🙂

@hankster With sharks, don't forget the sharks!

@nogod4me sharks might be a quicker demise than i prefer. but...


Meanwhile the other choice is a decrepit potus unwilling to relinquish power, to be followed by an unelected appointee too weak to grasp power now! for the good of the nation. What this means is Israel is free to do it's will, like assassinate political leaders of sovereign nations, invade those nations and terrorise all what it deems "others" eg not welcome in the Jewish state or Zionist's wet dream Eretz Israel.

Meanwhile the Biden/ Harris admin's top diplomat, the Secretary of State, lies to Congress and continues to arm a state that blocks US aid. Just like the FBI director lies to Congress with no repercussions; Two unelected high office officials lie to elected law makers in the people's house. That's the Democratic way.

"Ooh but Trump will be a dictator and start WW III" bleat the faithful. "He will trash the US's reputation" like the last 3 years have not done that.

America deserves what it elects. But the world would rather Trump going on past form. Because Neocon HR Clinton will be directing foreign policy in a Harris admin. Won't be kamala, that's for sure. Still a month before the election and a lot is going to happen in that time. Biden want's a real war to ensure "the party" stays in power.

puff Level 8 Oct 1, 2024

You sound disheartened by the Russian perspective and propaganda that you have embraced and push. Don't worry, the American people voted out Trump before because he didn't accomplish anything and because he is a fascist and dictator-wanna-be. And now that it has become even more evident that he is a "cat whisker" away from full blown insanity the American people will end his demented shit-show once and for all.

@nogod4me I don't think so, Trump will romp it home.
Anyway the way things are going, the US will follow Israel on their road to oblivion whomever gets in. And I think that Ukraine will be sorted by Europe on Russian terms, whomever is potus. The US will be busy enough domestically.

@puff. I understand that relating with your cult leader, identifying with his character, delusions of grandeur, and embracing and normalizing his insanity feels right to you. Russian propaganda is designed to have that effect. However, I'm embarrassed for you that you embrace it so fully and without the slightest bit of resistance or intelligence.

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