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Kamala has Secret Weapon Against Trump

nogod4me 8 Oct 4

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What a lying dickhead. . . But let them believe it . . . The bigger more arrogant the fool the harder & further they fall.

And of course there is this condemnation of Jewish war crimes & genocide in which Harris is implicated -

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The outcomes of the two biggest wars in the world hang in the balance of the American presidential election, even though U.S. troops are not involved in combat in either one.

If Donald Trump wins the election, both wars will get much, much worse. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both want Trump to win the American presidential election so that they can prolong and intensify their brutal wars without the possibility of American interference.

Full Article:

Donald Trump has been accused of violating federal law by the American Muckrackers PAC after allegations were made he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the ceasefire deal the U.S. is helping negotiate between Israel and Hamas.

The former president allegedly made the call on August 14, according to Axios, and repeated in Reuters, which cited two unnamed "U.S. sources who were briefed on the call."

This claim was reported again by PBS host Judy Woodruff on Tuesday, who said, "the reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the PM of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it's believed that would help the Harris campaign."


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