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This boy is amazing, and watching him warms my heart.

There is little information about him apart from that he is an orphan called Khai who lives in the countryside of Vietnam. I can't find any information about who has been following Khai with a camera and making a video diary, either.

Khai lives alone in a little hut which he built. He goes to the nearby river and pond to catch fish (very skillfully!) and sells them on the street. He uses various traditional techniques to catch fish, with only sticks, ordinary string and earthworms!

Watch here:

And here:
Ryo1 8 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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He warms my heart, too! I sincerely hope he gets an education...with that dedication and creativity, he can accomplish a lot for himself and his people.

I don't know... I have mixed feelings about him going to school, i.e. structural education; it might have adverse effects on his natural creativity and the ability to think freely.
What is inspiring about this boy is that he is certainly not a victim of the circumstances he is in. There is no doubt that he will grow into a fine, strong-willed young man with a purpose and the ability to achieve it. 🙂

@Ryo1 Nothing wrong with learning literacy, math, science and history.

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