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Yesterday my neighbor wanted me to help her get a flat screen TV out to the road so she could dump it as trash. The problem, she said, was that the eye inside the TV had quit working so remotes are no longer good either. When I redirected her to my place with this Vizio TV I found out that the repairman who came to her house is exactly correct.

She told me this is a 45 inch TV but when I looked it up Online by model number it says 42 inch. What I found out is that you can use the buttons on the side of this set to get into setup, then use the up and down arrows to reset everything. The next step if you have cable or OTA is to buy a set top box. They come with a remote and this simple fix gives you a usable television again.

Thought I would post this with a simple fix in case anyone has a similar problem. Such a TV as this can also be a good gaming TV in your game room.

DenoPenno 9 Oct 7

Enjoy being online again!

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What you wrote is mostly greek to me, but I haven't had a TV in my house in 8 years and I don't miss it. I am glad it worked out well for you.

This TV will now be a spare for me to use with a set top box if I need it. I have an Emerson TV now that is used simply as a 40 inch
computer monitor.


I've been wandering up to my TV pushing buttons for years now. What I do is cast movies to it with another device, a simless phone using house wifi. Don't use subscription sites.
Working out the buttons is just trial and error so have fun. I wrote myself a note saying what button does what and leave it near the TV.

puff Level 8 Oct 7, 2024
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