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Everything Matters

nogod4me 8 Oct 7

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If Trump, as former president, can't be trusted with intelligence reports, sure seems scary to trust him as candidate for president with intelligence briefings. Glad he's turning them down, but something tells me he likely has someone in his camp collecting the information on his behalf.

How in the world anyone thinks he should have access to our state secrets, to trade for favors or whatever, is beyond me. And how can anyone think he has answers to solve any crisis without the intelligence is also beyond me.

I can hardly wait for America to turn the page and get beyond this corruption - and start heading toward some form of normalcy. More mainstream republicans need to step up and say something!


I just cannot fathom the man. I believe he is lying when he says he wants to get elected; he just wants attention. I had a kid like that, who worked hard at getting attention in all the worst possible ways.

To see a meteorologist react like that is stunning. Scared for Florida. And if that hurricane takes a bad turn, it will be beyond catastrophic. It’s great that the southern governors are telling the truth about what the government is doing.

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