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Ouch! The power of political cartoons.
'Investors with shareholdings worth more than £5bn left the UK in the 12 months to April, they found, mostly going to countries with no capital gains tax (CGT).'
This cartoon depicts just that.

Ryo1 8 Oct 8

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The rich are always trying to dodge paying their fair share. They are not an island, they couldn't have gotten rich if it wasn't for others, however, they don't want to pay decent, or even living, wages or any taxes.

I'm afraid that I don't go along with your generalisation of the rich. Talking of decency, many of them are philanthropists. Some companies run by the rich promote employee recognition programs where they share their business success with their employees.
Investors are leaving the UK because the UK economy has been stagnant for a long time and due to higher taxes and more regulations imposed on businesses by the UK goverment. They probably don't see it worth a struggle. If you are a successful businessman and have almost 50% of your earnings taken away as a tax, you might feel that you are punished for being successful.

@Ryo1 You are certainly not talking about Trump or the many, many rich who couldn't care less about their country or fellow citizens, that is exactly why they leave.

People don't need the crumbs that fall from the master's table. They need decent pay - living wages - and for the rich to pay their taxes just like everyone else. And, just like you pointed out, the rich don't want to do that.

Trump, Trump, Trump, 24/7. You Americans are obsessed with Trump. Lol

@Ryo1 Not obsessed, the words you are looking for are: Consistently Disgusted and Disdainful of Trump.

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