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Second week of Covid! Not too bad but I cannot go anywhere. I have finished a whole bottle of anti-virals. Did I tell you that about two months ago I had to leave my house? The 200 year maple tree broke in half and crashed on my house ( while I was in it) I now live in a little house a mile down the road watching videos on cosmology and discoveries in physics.
I am surrounded by apple orchards and the apple harvest is in full swing.
Life is new and interesting. I voted by mail since I cannot drive anymore.
I hope you all are well ! Spinliesel

Spinliesel 9 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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It’s so nice to hear from you! I hope you are fully recovered very soon. Your new surroundings sound charming; good for you!


I hope you have an uneventful recovery.

Thank you, HippieChick!

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