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In the early days of, it was a site where people could establish friendships, discuss genuine philosophical issues,talk about and seek help with personal problems, In other words, it was a caring site which built a community which helped us all. Today, unfortunately, it far from that today. Is that a reflection of the chaos and ill will that the idiot Trump and the MAGA mob have created?

wordywalt 9 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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No, at least not wholly, I think that it is mainly that there are less new recruits now. Most of the older members have shot their bolts, and said what they wanted to say to the other older members. But that could mean that though there is less said, the little bit which is still said is more meaningful and original, the maga element aside of course.

I agree with your assessment. I kind of miss the days of arguments with agnostics and some faith floggers, as we had back then. Now it is mostly about the teetering American political system and thinly disguised US culture wars. Interestingly, I recall that back in 2017 and that period, that people would openly support Trump here, but now they just engage in a fanatical hatred of the Left, any Left or progressive views, this big boogey man they've constructed in their small minds.


I agree it was more discussion and debate oriented back then, sometimes quite heated, over atheism and so on. Now it is inundated with issue news posts, many not intended for serious comment, and a few noisy right wing loonies, though to be fair they were around back in 2017 as well. Part of my disappointment is that it never became and international site. The membership is overwhelmingly American and infected or affected ( take you pick) by the American disease of the current American political polemic. I'm not sure what I expect from this site anymore, and I suppose that's a sign of apathy.

And a dead silence on the US delusion regarding its proxy war against Russia using Ukraine & its people as battlefield & genocidal victim along with Russians who have been equally genocidally slaughtered. To that has now been added the genocidal slaughter of palestinians by the Israeli Jews paid & armed by uncle Sam.


Seems to me that some parts of it are still like that. You just need to skip past the current US politics posts.

And US delusion of lack of culpability for many crimes against humanity over the last 1½ centuries if not longer.


I think, yes. And it will likely continue for some time.


My experience differs.


It isn't just, it is all over American society.

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