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How come American call middleeast countries terrorist and violent. They don't have any evidence or facts for this claim..Trump banned 7 Muslim countries into the US. Wail no evidence a Muslim ever killed an American on the US soil. We hear children shooting cases of 450 mass shooting to death of other children in the US in 2024. . And none in the middleeast. We know 25% of prisoners in the entire world population are in US prisons. Wail US is only 5% of the world population. The 9/11 was a flase flag attack along all the middleeast and northern African Muslim countries. Most of the world knows these facts and evidence. When dose the US stop wake up and face their Bull shit.
I lived in the US for 20 years and traveled most of the middleeast and northern Africans nations. i know through first hand experience.

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The delusion created when small minded people & men with little penises emasculated at birth through circumcision have to bolster their egos to such a ridiculous extent but still allow themselves to be emasculated.
Prime examples Musk, Trump, Clinton, Bush . . .

That explains why missle are shaped like dicks.. Rather watch two making love than two people killing each other.


We Americans have gun obsessions. Somehow we think there is an Amendment that says we have rights to own all sorts of guns and weapons just in case the government tries to "take us over." This is a lie, but I have seen cartoons of a man inside a military tank and people claiming we need every weapon and even bombs as our arsenal of weapon capability grows. I find this idea ridiculous. It is also ridiculous that our major political parties distort gun ownership for personal gain. I also believe that some people here follow this to a milder extent and even teach it to their children. This would be why we have school shootings and other horrors here.

It has little to do with movies or violence on film IMO. It has everything to do with personal suppression of feelings and a need to be known. Work cultures in America suppress us as a person and this is easily passed on to our children. Before long we have 2 kids in trench coats wanting to become known by shooting kids in their high school. Kids act as though this is a fad and soon what I call "monkey see, monkey do" kicks in. It has others saying they will kill more people than the last guys did. Suppressed feelings have a great need of attention. A lot of us have desires of attention. I'm not sure what the fix for all this is. Maybe more education and more attention towards our children. Maybe bringing back the military draft system and even teaching government in our high schools again. We have been following a corporate line of thinking lately that has led to a dumbing down of America.

I'm a gun owner too. Earlier in life I thought I was Matt Dillon or even Paladin from TV westerns. Nothing real about this but I thought there was for a great many years. It led to my desire of what is called "plinking" where you shoot tin cans and other objects just because you can. A carry over for me on this type of shooting led to a recent purchase of a magnum revolver modeled after the 1873 SSA design that looked like the pistols of TV western fame. Shooting these involves a gun range today or some secluded property away from people. Aiming the weapon is like pointing your finger. Yeah, I go out sometimes and think I am Paladin. Not much chance of me wanting to do a school shooting or engage in a standoff with cops. In fact, for your own safety you load a six shooter with only 5 cartridges. Otherwise you might end up being shot.

I carried a revolver of a different type in the U. S. Army. My job title required that I have both of my hands free as I was an Engineer doing demolitions. The pic here shows the 2 types of military revolvers. Officers carried pretty much what they wanted. My base commander carried 2 western revolvers like the magnum I am showing. Patton carried one like it with pearl handles. Who knows. Maybe these guys thought they were cowboys too.

When the US government has nearly half of the worlds war military budget. The only good reason for US citizens to have guns is to over thow their own Goverment military. Citizens have 10 times the guns than their military complex dose. And guns have by far the most effective war weapon for kills. In my circle we don't carry guns because a person is three times more likely to commit suicide than to kill someone esle. Plus a gun owner more likely to kill someone you know than to kill a burgalar.

@Castlepaloma I have never had a break in but one modern argument against locked and loaded in your home is that maybe your neighbor accidentally got inside the wrong house. I'm serious. They really talk about this on You Tube. What follows is all the arguments about time in prison for killing someone who broke in to your home and some ridiculous words you should be speaking to them if this ever becomes a real situation. It's bullshit. If you break through my door you are putting me in fear for my life. That is the key phrase used by everyone these days. It gets the intruder shot and you out of serious trouble. You did not want to shoot that person or anyone but you were in fear for your life. Cops even use this saying today, and your neighbor is not accidentally breaking into your house.

As for guns and suicide, it is true. People are not committing suicide by stabbing themselves. Not much of that happening. I live alone so I can now have a loaded gun in the house. Not practical to have to load it first if you ever needed it.


Statistically speaking, you get married to the person most likely IN YOUR FAMILY to murder you. A chance of a bugalor breaking into a US home is 250 cases to 100,000 homes. I've had more friends, family and especially the Goverment steal far more stuff and money from me than any unknown people. And I'm the fearless type. Just sometimes trust the wrong person.

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