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Drink up!! 🤠

Aaron70 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Scary stuff. No comments on where fixing the issues would begin. Presumably through lowering carbon emissions.

Well if people would just stop fucking, the problem would be corrected in about 50 years or so….🙃

@Aaron70 birth control is pretty good these days, it’s amazing how much sex can be had without making offspring. The old mate, spawn and die days are over, I’ve never had kids.

@girlwithsmiles Your privilege is apparent. Most women in 3rd world countries are lucky to come up with disposable napkins, let alone birth control. Not to mention many of these societies are still highly patriarchal and the women are not at liberty to use birth control.
But you know this already, right…..🤠
No worries, I stopped fucking long ago….🙏😇🙏

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